
  • Is life sacred, does it have intrinsic value?
    I don't really understand your position, those who recruit others for violence are literally the people you should least want free.Judaka

    i have the same position when it comes to swatting. some guy calls the swat team to someones house as a prank and the cops kill an innocent person in the house. as far as im concerned the police should be investigated and at least fired. the prankster should get one or two years in prison tops. yet they gave him 20 yrs and the police walk free. this is injustice.

    personally i would want manson to be free simply because of freedom of speach. he has a right to say or do anything he wants as long as he is not physically commiting violence against others himself. if people are being influenced by him then they are ignorant. it would be better to punish and educate them then to blame manson. otherwise its injustice against manson.

    same goes for hitler. did hitler even kill a single person himself? mind you this case might be different because he had power over others. he could command someone to be killed for not listening to him.

    the level of power matters. if someone has nothing but words and no power then they should not be punished for inciting. because its just freedom of speach
  • Existential Ethics and Antinatalism
    define sacred.

    and even if life is sacred it could possibly be said that it is both sacred and trash.

    and it could possibly also be said that trash is also sacred.

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein

    or both together at the same time.

    both and instead of either or
  • Is life sacred, does it have intrinsic value?
    Inciting people to violence should be a crimeJudaka

    the murderers should be in jail for 20yrs

    the inciter should be in jail for one year tops. any longer and thats a crime against him
  • Is life sacred, does it have intrinsic value?
    Charles Manson was literally convicted for directing the murders and not committing them.Judaka

    well in my book it would depend how old they were. if the killers were kids then he may be culpable of some level of forcing them to do. otherwise he should have never gone to jail.

    you cant send someone to jail for having a bad attitude, even though america does it all the time. american justice system commits more crime then anyone
  • Is life sacred, does it have intrinsic value?
    Charles Manson convinced a bunch of impressionable, gullible and desperate young adultsJudaka

    poeple need to take responsibility for their own ignorance and bad behavior. not blame it on charles
  • Probability is an illusion
    1. Is probability an illusion?TheMadFool

    reality only happens one way, and can only happen one way

    possibilities and probabilities only exist in the ignorant mind that doesn't know which way its going to happen. if you had more knowledge and knew for-sure then you would see there was no other possibility or probability.

    there is no potential in reality

    "Do or do not, there is no try" - yoda
  • Faith vs. reason, evidentialism, and my response to an objection
    isnt this called empiricism?

    all evidence is interpreted by the mind to mean something or other.

    evidence of presents proves santa exists

    a banana proves the big bang

    evidence doesnt really remove the conundrum of differing opinions and constant arguing among humans

    the bigger topic to study, if u want to learn about the mind, is epistemology

    what if i have evidence of god but cant explain it, does that mean i dont have evidence? often the best speaker seems like the smartest person, simply because hes good at explaining things.

    which is why the intellectual atheist feels like he has won every debate yet the simple theist never changes his mind.
  • Existential Ethics and Antinatalism
    n a universe that seems cold and indifferent, that we ought to really care about others instead of our own sentiments.Wallows

    caring about others is run by the subconscious mind, therefore you have no control over it

    your not in a universe. the universe is not outside you, or around you, or out there somewhere. its here now. walk into a grocery store and behold the bounty of the caring universe! haha
  • Axiological arguments and objections to them

    morality is just a fancy word for fairness. tit for tat.

    its not hard to see what we are all basically equal and therefore its right to be fair and wrong to be unfair.

    morality demystified.

    religion dethroned
  • Hard problem of consciousness is hard because...
    You might believe that you have evidence that you are conscious, but I have absolutely none.A Seagull

    you dont need evidence, its known omnisciently.

    Kant accidentally found this hidden category of knowing, and layed it out in his epistemology, but he didnt realize what it was

    it was the 'analytic aposterori' category which he thought was an anomaly and empty category but was actually the greatest category of them all. omniscience. the highest, realest, way to know. and the foundation of all other knowing
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    I think we should strive to be more logical, then?Wallows

    like machines

    i wonder what the next step beyond machines will be. what will machines create that will eventually surpass them?

    humans genocide animals, machines genocide humans, ??? genocides machines...
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    Lot's of seemingly joint discontinuities here... Care to connect the dots for me?Wallows

    truth vs pleasure
    truth vs power
    truth vs surival
    truth vs bias
    logic vs emotions
    mind vs body
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    Why do you think he failed at this?Wallows

    truth vs power

    the eternal war
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    I suppose Socrates wasn't Buddha in trying to alleviate the suffering of individuals by engaging with them. Arguably, so?Wallows

    he would use the socratic method because it avoid ego

    if you directly challenge peoples beliefs it triggers ego which puts up defensive walls

    otherwise you can just walk poeple into seeing their own contradictions
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    there's an element to philosophy that seems to encourage a selfless desire to engage with the hoi polloi, don't you think?Wallows

    i just wanted to test my conclusions, against masses, to see if they would hold up
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    when youve been debating philosophy for 20 years you hear the same things over and over and over. which is why i have a thousand memes ready as responses. it saved me time.
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    I sense a disturbance in the force...Wallows

    memes can be very effective for morons

    basically a simple counter argument with a picture

    a picture says a thoussand words
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    on FB i wouldnt even type responses to alot of poeple. i would just respond in memes only haha. i have a thousand pre-made memes covering all sorts of possible responses. i would only type back if someone showed real intelligence an interest.

    eventually i got perma banned from FB, for breaking their rules, and havnt tried appealing it.
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines
    Besides the point though, rules are being broken and I'm sick of it. He needs to go.Mark Dennis

    when i used to use facebook philosophy groups i had tons of people blocked. i would just keep joining more and more groups and blocking all the morons. that way i still had tons of good people to debate in my main feed
  • Banning Bartricks for breaking site guidelines

    1- develop better counter arguments to their positions. simpler, stronger, smarter.

    2- if they are not being banned for "fighting dirty" then you can to in return. now you might be thinking: 'never argue with a pig because you will both get dirty and he will like it' but i say get used to the dirt because its everywhere in life. you cant always stay clean. master everything at every level.

    improvise, adapt, overcome
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    What is your logical non monologic argument for that?Mark Dennis

    the belief in the mind that reality is separate physical objects is an illusion.

    it appears to be that way to the mind but in reality is not
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    I thought you said the Mind was the illusion before?Mark Dennis

    i said the physical universe is an illusion
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    The illusion as ive already said, is thinking you know anything about illusions.Mark Dennis

    an illusion is something that appears to the mind, to be different then it actually is in reality
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    We live in a physical universe and as far as we know everything is composed of physical elements.Mark Dennis

  • Is there a spiritual dimension
    Mental images and events are real because the mind or brain is realBrianW

    the brain is in the mind

    it is real because it exists.BrianW

    and yes the mind is real because it exists

    Row, row, row your boat
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
    Life is but a dream
  • Is there a spiritual dimension

    real life is a hallucination. but the mind has no other reality to compare it to that is more real in order to call this reality unreal. in fact the only other reality the mind has is itself, which it can see is less real.

    and this hallucination has reliability, so the mind can use it to avoid pain and attain pleasure. which is all it really cares about.

    so it calls this hallucination real

    if you were born with a VR helmet on and everytime you ate something in the VR i put food in your real mouth then that would become your reality which you would argue is real.

    even if pain was an illusion people would still avoid it. so its real enough.

    three things can be said about this reality:
    1- its the realest thing i got
    2- its reliable
    3- its real enough
  • Plantinga's response to Hume's argument regarding the problem of evil

    problem of evil is an emotional problem, created by believing in a personal god

    when bad things happen our emotions dont like the idea that he doesn't intervene
  • Is intelligence dependent on your concentration?
    o intelligent people have good concentration, or is concentration unrelated to intelligence?Wheatley

    distraction is just concentration on something other then whats you think your supposed to be doing
  • A Vision for Drama: Inspiration, Imagination, and Consciousness
    I would think there is some positivity for the argument from buddhism, I believe, meditative calming and prayer from Christianity. The deep rooted study of the Enlightenmentwesgtr

    "Look at your mind dispassionately; this is enough to calm it. When it is quiet, you can go beyond it. Do not keep it busy all the time. Stop it – and just be. If you give it a rest, it will settle down and recover its purity and strength. Constant thinking makes it decay." -Nisargadatta
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)

    calling consciousness physical is blind and ignorant
  • Evolution and free will
    Of course it maybe an illusion but you can't deny it.TheMadFool

    i dont deny the illlusion, caused by ignorance of cause and effect
  • Qualia and Quantum Mechanics

    big complicated explanation trying to bamboozle the mind into belief

    people try the same bullshit with the big bang coming from nothing, and for how time travel is possible, etc.. etc..

    all 3 are impossible.

    brain cannot create consciousness
    universe cannot come from nothing
    you cant travel through time
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    soul and god are basically just old words for consciousness
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    Plato's argument for the soul being what moves the body.Walter B

    its an illusion that i am a soul with free will inside, and controlling, a body

    yet this is what most people believe

    its the ignorant naive view of self
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    ok, i see what you are arguingWalter B

    everything within reality has a starting point, but reality itself cannot
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    What do you mean?Walter B

    existence is an eternal circle of cause and effect. a perpetual motion machine.

    because there is nothing outside it to stop it or start it
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    must itself be moved by something else.Walter B

    its an eternal circle
  • Plato's argument for the soul (in Alcibiades)
    Therefore, there has to be something else, other than the body, that moves a body, and this we can call a soulWalter B

    what moves the soul?

    human body is moved by sense data triggering mind which triggers stored energy
  • The significance of meaning
    Aad aroim fsgomsrgb sdfpmsefvmoksfgbfsv ?Eee

    my mind has not associated these shapes(sense data) to any other sense data

    therefore i dont know what you "mean"
  • The significance of meaning

    if meaning and language dont exist then im not using them and therefore its not self refuting to say they dont exist.

    what am i using? something else nobody seems to have found yet. because:

    "false knowledge is a greater impediment to truth then ignorance"


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