-Well the human brain is the most complex thing we currently know in the universe. Its function "mind" should be special too...and it is.The human mind is the most complex thing on this planet and we are constantly engineering circumstances — Mojo
Would you agree with me more if I replaced crime with immoral? — Agent Smith
- Ι get your poetic reference to genes but in real life there are no genes in control of our ethics.There are genes (i.e. of the warrior or hunter) that affect our behavior but they are not stronger from the environmental influences around us. What I want to say is that most people well in the middle of a "Bell curve" of our human biochemical diversity, are not to be blamed for their lack of "will power" (even if christianity disagrees lol).Personally, I would like to be vegan, but lack the will power to be one. Perhaps people like me - want to but haven't yet adopted veganism - are carriers of a proto-morality gene which will be expressed fully in a few generations down the line; some like you, a vegan, are ahead of the pack. — Agent Smith
The supernatural would be some aspect of reality that is apart from the rational/regular nature of the natural world, not merely an unsolved mystery of the natural world. — Relativist
There is a good reason why we don't consider dark matter to be a supernatural phenomenon. The ability of particles not to reflect light, or generating pulling forces in the universe are basic properties displayed by particles. We just need to investigate the ontology of those physical phenomena.Consider that we don't know what dark matter is, but no knowledgeable person would label it as supernatural.
It seems to me that the supernatural is something that humans have always claimed is behind the scenes of nature giving reality attributes like life, consciousness laws and forces. Or the hand of God or fate. — Andrew4Handel
-Well science keeps pointing to a Regular and Rational nature of reality. There are mysterious aspects of reality but every mystery we solve tends to verify the above rational and regular nature of our world.My point I suppose is that reality is at bottom mysterious and illogical and weird, that there is not a concrete machine like reality to be contrasted with the supernatural just the strange inexplicable reality of existence. — Andrew4Handel
We have never verified the supernatural so we don't need to "escape it" but to demonstrate it.We haven't escaped the supernatural through science and philosophising but just deepened the mysteries. We have made the implausible/impossible the normal. — Andrew4Handel
I’ve extended that indefinitely as I regard you as a troll and/or manic.
You will not be getting any responses from me in the immediate future (months+). — I like sushi
I will agree with your position. The Supernatural is nothing more than a made up bin where we human toss everything we currently don't understand. Every-time we had to go back and take something out out from that bin..that was because the explanation was always Natural.Maybe all supernatural ideas are just natural items yet to be unveiled. — I like sushi
Unfortunately the statistical evidence, at least for telepathy, is
overwhelming. — Turing, 1950
-No the main objection is and always should be "Possibility". If we are unable to demonstrate objectively the possibility of the supernatural then its non sensible to argue about its plausibility.I have got the impression over the years that the main objections against the supernatural are based on plausibility. — Andrew4Handel
Politics and economic interests and knowledge, be it scientific, theological, or astrological, can't be logically separated and evaluated according to logic rules. — Hillary
I've repeated the topic over and over again. It was created by your respond to mr Hillary.You think you decide what's irrelevant to the topic of discussion and I will follow? — universeness
-They are irrelevant to the topic of discussion...but I guess you are not capable to understand it or your cognitive dissonance is trying to keep you away from it.Who cares what interests a fake interlocuter like you?and if you truly don't care about such then you are nasty. — universeness
Yeah Sherlock, human history has no relevance to philosophical musings. Another pearl of wisdom from the BEPO school of philosophy. — universeness
Approximately 20 million civilians were killed in the soviet union in WW2 due to CONVENTIONAL WAR. — universeness
-Again crimes are not a matter of preference. It is a crime to nuke civilians and it would be a crime to kill civilians in a full invasion. Put your ducks straight.If you interpret my typing above as advocating for war crimes then you simply demonstrate you idiotic thinking. — Nickolasgaspar
Yes dimwit! When the choice is between the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and the death of millions of innocent civilians and hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides — universeness
Here you are.Nothing I have typed is in support of war crimes you complete fool! — universeness
You are making the act of killing civilians a matter of preference. You are using a hypothetical as a made up better evil.Would you have preferred the death of many more American soldiers and goodness knows how many Japanese civilians during a full invasion of the Japanese mainlands. The evidence from the time suggests that the Japanese would not have surrendered easily. — universeness
Based on the criteria we define the Laws of War and humanism. Two states might have differences and they might be irrational enough to engage, but to justify the mass killing of the population which is not taking part in the war you are just proving that you are not just irrational but an immoral thug too.Based on what? — universeness
Please offer your detailed evidence of the communications between the Allies and the Japanese during WW2 which explain exactly why Truman made the decision he made. — universeness
Lets me help you, it's not 'suppor' its 'support'. It's not 'say soldier's lives,' it's 'save soldiers lives.' — universeness
:rofl: Matt Dillahunty says he has more problems trying to set atheists straight, who use poor arguments and bad logic than he does with theists. I dont think Matt would think much of Nickerless Gasbag but perhaps he would plague both our houses! — universeness
So are you a professional dancer or you just tap dance in forums?lolThe concept of soldiers and civilians is the reality of what is changing. Soldiers don't stay away from civilians during war — universeness