• Post truth
    We definitely aren't in the era of post new buzz phrases.

    Personally I've transcended the truth, and await the fact-ocalypse
  • I believe we are all the same being
    I don't believe we all are the same being -- and if we are the same being, then that means that you don't believe that we are the same being.

    I win.
  • Dreaming.

    My little brother once told me that he dreamed that Nicolas Cage was frying left over potatoes in the kitchen.
  • Normativity
    It's all normative, of course. Things find there genesis in the individual, but become normative through repetition. They become incorporated by the norm, and repeated again and again. The ones not doing this repetition, that are incapable for whatever reason, are abnormal, deviants, and this is not judged as inferior or superior except through the normative, through repetition. The judgment, and continuation of better and worse always happens, and continues from the normative. The fringe, the at risk of perishing at the edges, or near the boundaries, to the extent that it isn't normative, being repeated is always at the greatest risk of annihilation, the most normative, the most repeated is always the safest place for survival.

    The only way for the abnormal, the deviant to survive is to be adopted by the normative, and repeated there. So that what is better and worse, and all meaning and convention finds its spiritual but not genetic origin in the normative.
  • The Unconscious
    The conscious is what comes to mind or eye, and the unconscious is like the cause of that. So to simplify to the extreme, when we're hungry, we may have fantasies of our food, or begin searching for food. Notice people eating more and things of that nature. The idea that dreams are wishes, or even more complex, that desires or needs may conflict, so that they can not fully disclose themselves to consciousness, but must be masked in some way or sense. A lot of fantasy, myth an allegory can be thought of as taking this form. Elements are embellished, and others erased.

    Then there is a kind of hiarchy of importance, so that some needs are met, and others suppressed or put off. Then there are strategies, actions and reactions aimed towards the fulfillment of impulses that bleed out, as it were, and used in unsure circumstances.

    Consciousness is like unitary, there isn't a such thing as multitasking, there is just quickly moving ones attention back and forth. Kind of like the focus point of the eye, where only the thing being looked directly at is clear, and in consciousness, whereas the rest melds into the periphery. When it comes to drives, emotions, qualia, they are of this sort. One is not separate, or distinct from them, but are them. One is not hungry, one is hunger. One is not angry, one is anger. Etc. The unconscious is like the complete "self", only this itself is not complete, but open ended, and itself in flux as a totality, and not simply the individual unitary part that makes up consciousness in this moment.

    Something like that maybe. Who knows?
  • Jokes

    Readin', mostly. Also talkin' 'bout, and chucking both figuratively and literally at times.
  • Jokes

    The good book is the bible.
  • Jokes
    What book was it?Michael Ossipoff

    Sorry, but it would be uncouth for me to explain.
  • Dreaming.

    I might start keeping a dream journal. I normally almost never remember my dreams, and even when I do it's only a few bits. I'd like to increase my recollection.
  • Jokes

    Ever hear of Dante's four levels of meaning? I can understand why he would have gotten so deep into analysis, I mean, there was only one good book back then. Dum dum tis.
  • Jokes

    No, it's like a puppet or something, but something of an analogue of someone born with sever mental and physical degradation... and you're basically making fun of them for it...

    Aren't you like 28 or 30 by now, man?
  • Jokes

    Well, at least I proved something.
  • Jokes

    I never saw the goonies, so I had to look that up. I do feel sympathy for something like that. I mean, its pretty easy to be mean to someone that you think is a loser, or ugly or something. I feel bad about the difficult life someone like that would lead. Kids can be cruel, but usually people grow up.
  • Jokes

    Seemed like a non sequitur. Though I may have been unplanned, and unwanted, but definitely the favorite. Everyone's favorite.
  • Jokes

    That last part I find the most difficult to believe.
  • Jokes

    I don't see why the condom factory should be implicated in the abortion failure.
  • Jokes

    I do actually hope that you'll elaborate though. I've been primed to avoid feeling and expressing being insulted now, so do your worst.
  • Dreaming.
    When I was a kid I was on puffers because doctors didn't know wtf was wrong with me (I ended up self-diagnosing it when I was 22... useless doctors), but I used them to get high, and I would feel exactly like I was dreaming. Though they stopped giving them to me when I was like 12 or something, because I started going through them too quickly.
  • Jokes

    That's impossible! I don't actually recall, but it probably didn't happen.
  • Jokes

    I'm not sure what insults me either, really. Can't say in advance, better to just not care, or continue to worry about it. Either one.
  • Jokes

    I'm insulted that you would think that I'm that easily insulted. Even though I would have been insulted, as most things insult me...
  • Jokes

    See, I'm immune.
  • Jokes

    I don't read posts that long, not even my own.
  • Jokes

    I've heard that analyzing jokes makes them not funny before. Many many times in fact, must make it so. To dig ma grave deeper, I think that an analyses, is usually not funny, until done comedically, which is possible, and that goes pretty much without saying, but I don't think that a joke becomes less funny when explained, it's just the explanation itself which is usually unfunny.

    Seems like just a stuck up thing that people say to make people that don't get the joke feel even stupider, and not wish to admit to not getting it, and just laugh anyway. That's the polite thing to do.
  • Jokes

    It's not anticlimatic. It's both unexpected and absurd. In either case, I'm bored by the end of long jokes, my attention span isn't that long.
  • Jokes

    Well, I didn't invent it. I remember reading that it was voted by comedians as the best joke in some poll. The joke being that the punchline is not something you'd see coming. You'd think that he got tricked or some such, or otherwise was a victim of hi-jinks, but it turns out that he just wanted an orange for a head.

    I don't think that the build up makes it any better, verbosity rarely improves anything in my view.
  • Dreaming.

    What do you think it meant? Did it have any significance you think?
  • Jokes

    Musta went over your orange.
  • Dreaming.
    I've been dreaming like every night lately, which is super duper weird for me. Usually it is only one or two a year. I don't recall very much of them, and many not at all, but I just know that I've been dreaming, but they've been getting clearer as well.

    I finally remember some of a couple that I've had in the last few days. The first one, I was walking in like a nice downtown like area, though nowhere I remember being, and everyone was dressed fancy, like nice dresses and suits. They also seemed very tall, like I was at a lower perspective for some reason, though I never saw myself. I remember two women walking pasted some fancy dude like gesturing, almost like directing traffic, but was on the side walk, and one of the women's shoulders started to like like nervously move around weirdly. I then went and walked off into like the woods, and went down this path, and a women with like winter hiking gear was coming up past me, but then I got down into the path, and it was like a wall of dirt, so I turned to go back the way I came, and it was far too steep to go back somehow now. I then noticed that it was like a square hole, that looked like the walls were compressed or compacted, like from a garbage compactor, and I thought "well that ain't, good, I don't want to stick around to find out what's doing that, better wake up", and then I woke up. It wasn't like a lucid dream or something, like I knew the whole time it was a dream, or even got the impression of reasoning, or anything. I just thought that and woke up.

    Then last night, I had this dream where I was living in the woods type deal with my older brother and sister, and I remember walking home, and then arguing with them about money, like we had sold something, and split it, but no one was happy, and then I had to go to work, and I thought, and said that I had hate being stuck at a job all day for hours without being able to leave. I then woke up.

    I wonder if that last thing I said in my dream is true. I have a new job now, stocking shelves at a department store at night, but I don't think that I don't like going or being stuck there. I wonder why I said that.

    I wonder if dreams tell you things that you don't know, or mean anything, or if they're just random? Maybe it doesn't mean precisely that, but something else. Maybe like normal I was the only one even working in my dream house with brother and sister like usual, and I was just overstating the difficulty, or undesirability of it. I feel like that is something I do. Like I actually like cleaning up, and doing house work, but I also sometimes feel that it's unfair, and wrong that I always do it, but then I don't really dislike it either. I dunno...
  • Jokes
    Man walks into a bar, and he's got an orange for a head. So the bartender is all like "wtf happened to you?" The guy replies "well, I found this genie that said it would give me three wishes, right? The first wish, I asked for a new house. The second wish, I asked for a new car. The last wish, I asked for an orange for a head..."
  • On Nietzsche...

    Maybe moralizing tout court is a mistake. Maybe there are inferiorities and superorities, and they have nothing to do with personal values, but innate and environmental deviations. One doesn't have to be mistaken in what others are doing wrong for them to be incapable of doing it right, or incapable of even understanding the criticism.

    Nietzsche seemed to think this way. His advice against the inclination to pity and save, his notion of only writing for a select few, or even single individual, while in no way devaluing others for being more chafe than wheat. It seems a poor leader that is disgusted, or even finds pitiful those that they lead. This would be misanthropy, which Nietzsche found to be exceedingly tempting at times, but was all the more vehemently opposed to for that very reason.

    The equality, and elevation of everyone to the highest of heights conceivable is a mighty high value, but for it to be possible, the responsibility must be placed with the individual as to why they have not accomplished this, or some other alterable vicissitude.

    All senses I can conceive of in which the "higher man" is valued not relationally, but absolutely in comparison to the "lower" leads to both of their destruction. Leads to moralizing, or eugenics, or whatever. The world needs plumbers like it needs leaders, perhaps even the former more so, but they aren't as sexy, aren't as prestigious.

    It isn't that we should all constantly be attempting to subvert tradition and convention, because it is unequivocally less valuable than originality, and creativity -- it's more that it's transcended, rather than subverted. Climbed like a ladder, rather than demolished with resentment and self-aggrandizement.
  • On Nietzsche...
    Nietzsche saw a progressive move away from nature, away from chaos creativity, and competition towards the last men. Imposed superfluous equality. The movement of the goal from the great to the normative. From the aesthetic to the measurable or justifiable set at a normative level, or the lowest common denominator. Lives aimed towards safety, longevity, security and comfort -- cowering from risk and tragedy. The stifling of all that is superior, original, and individually affirming.

    This is a world without meaning, affirmation, or value. This is nihilism. The resentful denial of all that is superior, with the values of pity, and mediocrity being all that remain.
  • On Nietzsche...
    This is the Christian irony. Both the religious wills to truth, and to morality turn in on themselves. Implode. All higher values devalue themselves. The Christian will to truth renders belief in God, and myths untenable. The will to morality, an immaculate state renders God and nature themselves immoral.
  • On Nietzsche...
    What if I didn't fear you? What if I believed in your innate, surpluses of benevolence? Do you think that a truly malevolent person needs your permissions, your justifications? To live in the world is to impose, obstruct, destroy, dominant, or to be imposed upon, be obstructed, be destroyed, dominated. People's bodies express this in the very ways that they move. People, and animals shrink, take up less space, move more quietly, and whisper as to not draw attention when they are submissive. They spread out, take up more space, thrash a move and make loud noises when they aren't afraid.

    Morality is used as condemnation, as self-righteous justification to oppress, and destroy, and is based in the emotions of disgust. Societies with high levels of infectious diseases, and lack of sanitation have the highest disgust sensitivity, and most draconian moral impositions.

    Is what he's saying disgusting? Yes, of course it is. Life and the world is not pristine, and I see a lot more evil in attempting to render it so than in embracing being disgusting creatures ourselves. Monstrous creatures ourselves.

    The point is not that we ought to be cruel, exploitative, rapacious -- it's that we already are, and the only thing that will truly transform that benevolent nature into something malevolent is when we decide that we are not, and it is you instead. The disgust, distaste for it... the value of life in quantity over quality, and the turning away from nature in favor of the ideal. This is where the truly evil lies. It isn't in life or nature, but in its opposition, that the true will to complete annihilation surfaces.
  • Frames

    That first song is about cashing in on 9/11 topicality, the thing they're doing with the song ironically, as I doubt that the album is being given away. The second was about war, and turning a blind eye, or not opposing it.

    Many posts I write, particularly about me because I need to get those thoughts out of me, and due to some level of disgust, I'm not likely to even look at them again, and often don't look at posts I've written until sometime later anyway, to see how horrible and garbled they are. I used to be a lot more meticulous, but got lazy. My brain is like a rhyming dictionary, and doesn't seem to store articles or prepositions properly, and without going back and fixing them they are usually all messed up, and words that rhyme with the one I intended are often there instead.

    I don't know if I gots an ax to grind, it's more that I'm deeply isolated, and need some level of human contact, and I've been hanging around this little group for like a decade, and feel like I know many people that come here, so it's like my source of human connection, or community...

    I'm super boring and "typical" in my tastes, I tend to like pop, or what is popular and widely appreciated for the most part, yet see myself as totally existing on the fringes for some reason... lol. Never been very hip, or with it.
  • Frames

    No pressure eh? Lol. Well, I post for my own benefit, because I feel the need to put thoughts into garbled misspelled words, lol.

    I have a hell of a lot of nervous energy, and need like multiple distractions going at once, and never commit to much for long. Most of all I like lyrics, and words, and songs I like have one important similarity, the singing is always very clear, and easily made out. I'm not a huge appreciator of the music itself, and never listen to instrumentals, and prefer to just fast paced stuff, to match my excitable disposition.

    Mostly though, it's a really topical album and political album, seemingly about 9/11, and the preceeding wars in the middle east...
  • Frames

    Alright, I'll give it a go. I was just wondering, because it's different to how I usually take things in is all.
  • Frames

    I didn't realize that it was a whole album. Are there a couple choice songs off it for like an introduction? I am more of a song liker than band liker.
  • Frames

    I didn't mean to come off as like disagreeable, but only explain that I never even thought of a picture frame, which really adds rather than subtracts from the imagery. Not really contrary, just complimentary.

    I know that we're all world builders. I do love me some music, I didn't listen to what you linked, but I will now.