• The 'hard problem of consciousness'
    Your visible/invisible distinction seems irrelevant, at least for the one imagining the cat.
    — Luke

    A cartoonist who imagines a fictional cat might find it relevant to also see visible cats.

    In what sense is the imagined cat invisible to the cartoonist? They picture it in their mind and attempt to express their imagined cat on paper. They might continue to refine the drawing until it more closely resembles what they imagine.

    You are trying to restrict the application of the words "see" and "visible" only to those objects that are publicly available, but I don't think it's uncommon or atypical to talk about seeing, picturing or envisaging things in one's imagination. I don't consider it incorrect to say that the cartoonist sees or pictures the cat in their imagination (or in their mind's eye).
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'
    However, there's a feeling in what it's like to see the cat, which is comparable with a feeling of what it's like to see the cat-picture. There's also a feeling in what it's like to imagine a cat. You can compare your feelings (via memories), and judge resemblances between them.jkop

    If seeing a cat, seeing a picture of a cat, and imagining a cat, can all be reduced to feelings, and if these feelings can all be compared, then (the feeling of) the cat that one imagines can be compared to, and may resemble, (the feeling of) the cat that one sees.

    Your visible/invisible distinction seems irrelevant, at least for the one imagining the cat. This distinction seems to be relevant only in terms of other people's ability to see your imagined cat. However, if you allow for such a thing as a privately imagined cat, then the one who imagines the cat can compare it to, and may judge it to resemble, a cat (or a picture of a cat) that they see in public.

    It makes little difference whether you reduce all seeings and imaginings to "feelings", or whether you call it a comparison between a seen cat and an imagined cat. However, the latter seems more apt in relation to your description of: "doodling with a pencil on paper until the visible shapes of a drawn cat satisfy what you had in mind".
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'
    No, I just feel them. What I feel is my physiological state, in which hormones and neurotransmitters etc are constitutive for having it.jkop

    My point is that you don't judge a resemblance by comparing your physical states (e.g. your levels of hormones and neurotransmitters) when you imagine a cat to your physical states when you see a cat. Instead, you judge a resemblance by comparing the cat that you imagine to the cat that you see.

    But feelings are invisible, you can't compare a visible cat nor graphic image with the feeling of imagining what they look like. You can, however, compare things of the same type, such as two visible cats, two visible images, or two invisible mental states by how they feel when you have them.jkop

    Do you still hold to this assertion you made earlier?:

    A "mental image" couldn't even resemble visible objects such as cats or imagesjkop

    If you can compare two "invisible" mental states (e.g. two imagined things) to each other and two visible things to each other, why could you not compare a visible thing to an imagined thing? If you cannot compare them, I don't understand how the "interactive process between one's imagination and the feedback one gets from seeing colours and shapes" in your architecture work could be possible.

    Well, for example, alcohol can affect my mental state so that I feel tipsy, a blurry kind of feeling, which in turn resembles the blurry feeling of seeing blurry or expressive pictures, or hearing blurry sounds, etc. There is something genuinely blurry about feeling tipsy, or in what it's like to see blurry pictures etc.jkop

    Again, my point was that you don't judge a resemblance by comparing your physical states (that produce your mental states), so this doesn't really address the question I asked. I wasn't asking about abnormal vs. normal physical states. I was questioning why you are talking about physical states at all with regard to judging a resemblance between an imagined cat and a seen cat.
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'
    Imagining a cat may resemble seeing a cat (or cat-like doodle) since the levels of hormones and neurotransmitters that evoke the mental states in both cases can be similar or the same. Hence their resemblance.jkop

    Have you ever checked your hormone and neurotransmitter levels in order to be satisfied of a resemblance? I would think that the resemblance is more likely the result of some sort of comparison between the imagined cat and the seen cat. How do the physical causes of your mental states affect your judgement that there is a resemblance in the content of those mental states? Couldn't two very different mental states have the same hormone and neurotransmitter levels?
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'
    A "mental image" couldn't even resemble visible objects such as cats or imagesjkop
    What's mental is the intent to find out what the cat might look like, which may feel like seeing, since it can be satisfied by one's ability to use memories and beliefs about cats. It can also be satisfied by doodling with a pencil on paper until the visible shapes of a drawn cat satisfy what you had in mind. But what you had in mind was never an image, only a hunch, a feeling evoked by the intent etc.jkop

    What criteria are met (or what is required) in order for “the visible shapes of a drawn cat [to] satisfy what you had in mind”? If it’s not some sort of resemblance between the doodle and “what you had in mind”, then what determines satisfaction here?
  • Wittgenstein, Cognitive Relativism, and "Nested Forms of Life"
    We can understand the meaning of a word, say the German word for "village" and have not the first clue how to use it in a sentence.Count Timothy von Icarus

    If there is a word for "village" in the German language then its use/meaning must be very similar to its use/meaning in English, because that's what it means for there to be 'a German word for "village"'. The only sense in which a fluent English speaker does not have "the first clue" how to use the German word for "village" in a sentence is that they do not speak German.

    Yet we can also know how to use words without knowing what they mean. For example, plenty of people use "e.g." "QED," "i.e.," or "amen," correctly without knowing what they mean.Count Timothy von Icarus

    Arguably, if they know how to use these terms then they know what they mean, so in what sense do they not know what these terms mean? The fact that they do not know the origins of these terms or what "e.g." or "QED" stand for? I'm sure most of us do not know the etymology for most of the words we use, but I wouldn't consider that to be the only or the best measure of knowing their meanings.
  • Wittgenstein and How it Elicits Asshole Tendencies.
    Is there a difference between knowing someone's pain and knowing that someone is in pain?Michael

    It’s an interesting question, but I think it makes little difference given @Antony Nickles earlier non-epistemic view of (edit: other people’s) pain; that we do not stand in a knowledge relation to (edit: other people’s) pain:

    We cannot know other minds because our relation to others is not knowledge, but how we treat them, our “attitude” in relation to them, in its sense of: position “towards”. I treat you as if you have a soul.Antony Nickles

    As with others’ souls (p. 178) or the pain causing another to writhe in front of us (p. 235), we do not know it, because that is not how knowledge works. We respond to them (or ignore them). That is how humanity and pain are treated, the way in which they matter to us, their grammar.Antony Nickles

    But, as I noted, this contradicts Wittgenstein’s comments.
  • Wittgenstein and How it Elicits Asshole Tendencies.
    There are two different senses of “know” here at p. (246), one being: with certainty, the other being knowing as acknowledging, recognizing. The part of the sentence you are quoting is the second kind. “I’m in pain.” “I know” or “He’s in pain!” “I know, but he’s so dramatic, he’ll be fine.”Antony Nickles

    Which of these senses of "know" is the way the word "is normally used", as W says at PI 246?

    If there is a sense of "know" that means "acknowledging, recognizing", then you are saying that we do know another's pain (at least, sometimes). I agree, but this is contrary to your earlier statements that we do not know another's pain.
  • Wittgenstein and How it Elicits Asshole Tendencies.
    Another’s pain is not known, it is responded toAntony Nickles

    This contradicts Wittgenstein, who tells us at PI 246 that: “other people very often know if I’m in pain.”
  • Wittgenstein and How it Elicits Asshole Tendencies.
    I walked into that. But at the start of the sentence he says “If we are using the word ‘to know’ as it is normally used…”Antony Nickles

    Were you not using the word “know” as it is normally used when you said that we do not know the pain causing another to writhe in front of us (because that’s not how knowledge works)?
  • Wittgenstein and How it Elicits Asshole Tendencies.
    As with others’ souls (p. 178) or the pain causing another to writhe in front of us (p. 235), we do not know it, because that is not how knowledge works. We respond to them (or ignore them).Antony Nickles

    This may not be the appropriate place to make this comment, but Wittgenstein says otherwise. At PI 246, he says that: “other people very often know if I’m in pain.”
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Yes, hence the epistemological problem of perception.Michael

    The direct/indirect realist debate concerns perceptual directness, not epistemological directness. Russellian acquaintance is concerned with epistemological directness, not perceptual directness.

    Naive realists claim that sensory perception does provide us with direct knowledge of distal objects because distal objects are literal constituents of conscious experience, and so we are acquainted with distal objects.

    Indirect realists claim that sensory perception does not provide us with direct knowledge of distal objects because distal objects are not literal constituents of conscious experience, and so we are only acquainted with mental phenomena.

    Also, as Fish notes, direct realists claim that sensory perception does provide us with direct knowledge of external objects because such perception is not mediated by the perception of some other entity, such as sense data.

    And indirect realists claim that sensory perception does not provide us with direct knowledge of external objects because such perception is mediated by the perception of some other entity, such as sense data.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    It's only equivocation if they start from the premise that we are acquainted with mental phenomena and then conclude that our eyes respond to light reflected by mental phenomena, but they never draw this conclusion. This is the strawman conclusion that you and others are fabricating.Michael

    There is no sensory perception, then, only acquaintance?

    Acquaintance primarily concerns knowledge. The direct/indirect realism dispute primarily concerns sensory perception, as I (and ChatGPT) noted in this post.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    What indirect realists mean by "perception of some other entity" isn't what you mean by "perception of some other entity". You're equivocating.Michael

    My usage is consistent. Indirect realists equivocate over the meaning of "perception", using it to mean both the sensory perception of external objects and the Russellian acquaintance of mental representations.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Except by this you mean "our eyes respond to light reflected by sense data" which isn't what indirect realists believe.Michael

    Except your explanation of what indirect realists believe is that our perceptions of material objects are not mediated by the perception of some other entity, which is therefore not indirect realism.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    So what is it that indirect realists believe that you do not?Michael

    That our perceptions of material objects are mediated by the perception of some other entity, such as sense-data.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    As I've stated several times now, it is over part (2) of Fish's definition:
    — Luke

    Except according to what you mean by "perceive some other entity, such as sense-data", (2) is something that indirect realists accept.

    It's something I do not accept.

    According to what I mean by it, it is that we have sensory perceptions of sense-data. but you have been telling me that that's not what you mean by it.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    You think that by "we perceive mental phenomena" the indirect realist means "our eyes respond to light reflected by mental phenomena". They don't.Michael

    Direct realists claim that we have direct sensory perceptions of external objects:

    DR: Sensory perception----of----external object

    Indirect realists claim that we have indirect sensory perceptions of external objects:

    IR: Sensory perception----of-----[something, e.g. mental representation]----of----external object

    This is consistent with Fish's definition. Otherwise, I don't know what indirect realists mean by indirect perception.

    where is it that non-naive direct realism and indirect realism disagree?Michael

    As I've stated several times now, it is over part (2) of Fish's definition:

    (2) that our visual perception of [...] material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part);
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Naive realists claim that distal objects and their properties are literal constituents of conscious experience and that as such we are acquainted with distal objects and their properties, and so our knowledge of them is direct and there is no epistemological problem of perception. The external world just is as it appears. They call this "direct perception of distal objects".Michael

    According to the Fish article, this is the naive part (3), not the direct part (2):

    Naïve realism is a theory in the philosophy of perception: primarily, the philosophy of vision. Historically, the term was used to name a variant of “direct realism,” which claimed (1) that everyday material objects, such as caterpillars and cadillacs, have mind-independent existence (the “realism” part); (2) that our visual perception of these material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part); and (3) these objects possess all the features that we perceive them to have (the “naïve” part).

    You keep trying to argue that the rejection of (3) is also the rejection of (2), but it's not.

    I don't think there's much point in continuing since you refuse to acknowledge that my position is even possible: that one can reject naive realism without being an indirect realist.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Indirect realists don't believe or claim that our eyes respond to light reflected by mental phenomena and that our ears respond to sound emitted by mental phenomena, so you clearly misunderstand indirect realism and are arguing against a strawman.Michael

    How is Russellian acquaintance with mental representations of external objects an indirect perception? Russellian acquaintance is not a perception, so it cannot be an indirect perception of an external object.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    What do you think "perceive mental phenomena" means? Do you think it means that my eyes respond to light reflected by mental phenomena? Do you think it means that my ears respond to sound emitted by mental phenomena?Michael

    Yes, I think something along these lines is required when talking about perceiving something, especially since the main point of contention in this debate is whether our sensory perception of external objects is direct or indirect.

    I think you're reading something into the meaning of "perceive mental phenomena" that just isn't there. Indirect realists probably aren't saying what you think they're saying when they say that we perceive mental phenomena. Acquaintance with mental phenomena is the appropriate interpretation.Michael

    Is Russellian acquaintance a form of perception?

    Russellian acquaintance, as conceptualized by Bertrand Russell, is not typically considered a form of perception. Instead, it's a type of immediate, non-inferential knowledge or awareness of particular things or experiences.

    Perception usually refers to the process by which we become aware of or acquire knowledge about the external world through our senses. It involves the direct experience of sensory information, such as seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or smelling external objects.

    Russellian acquaintance, on the other hand, doesn't necessarily involve sensory experience or sensory data. It's more about direct awareness or acquaintance with specific entities or experiences without the need for inference or mediation. This direct awareness can encompass various aspects of reality, including perceptual experiences, but it's not inherently tied to sensory perception in the same way.

    So, while both perception and Russellian acquaintance involve direct awareness or knowledge, they are distinct concepts with different focuses and implications within the realm of epistemology and philosophy of mind.

    This is how to interpret the meaning of "feel" in "I feel pain" and the meaning of "hear" in "the schizophrenic hears voice" and the meaning of "see" in "I see colours".Michael

    The first two of these examples do not concern the perception of external objects, or else the external object (as the cause of the sensation) is absent. The third example (colours) may concern the perception of external objects, however, you have already acknowledged that the sensory perception of a mental representation is excluded.

    This sense of acquaintance with mental phenomena occurs also in veridical perception, and this is all that is meant when the indirect realist says that awareness of distal objects is mediated by awareness of mental phenomena.Michael

    Is the direct/indirect realism debate about perception or awareness?

    The direct/indirect realism debate primarily concerns the nature of perception rather than mere awareness. It revolves around questions such as:

    • How do we perceive the external world?
    • What is the relationship between our perceptions and the external objects themselves?
    • Are our perceptual experiences direct or mediated?

    In this debate, "perception" refers to the process by which we become aware of or acquire knowledge about the external world through our senses. Direct realists argue that our perceptual experiences directly correspond to features of the external world, meaning that when we perceive an object, we are directly aware of that object itself.

    Indirect realists, on the other hand, propose that our perception of the external world is mediated by mental representations or sense data. According to this view, when we perceive an object, we are not directly perceiving the object itself but rather a mental representation or sense data that represents the object to us.

    So, while both direct and indirect realism involve questions of awareness, they primarily focus on the process and nature of perception and how our perceptions relate to the external world.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    2.The act of processing visual data: To perceive --> causes
    3. Having the resulting conscious experience: To see.

    As I explained here, the dispute between direct and indirect realists concerns the directness or indirectness of our perceptual experiences of real objects. When I asked you for evidence of your usage, you provided an article which, in its first line, states that "Perception refers to our sensory experience of the world". The very evidence you provided in support of your view contradicts it.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Sense data just is the unmediated empirical affect the object has, that data, that affect, conditioned by something very different, is the subsequent mediated representation of the perceived object.Mww

    Also, I don’t understand how you get from “unmediated empirical affect” to “mediated representation”. What is being mediated here? Are you talking about the mediation of our perceptions of objects? What are they mediated by? If you are saying that our perceptions of objects is itself the mediation, then our perceptions of objects are not mediated by anything (else), so that’s not indirect realism.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    To mediate is to arbitrate or condition; that which is a perception cannot arbitrate or be arbitrated by, another perception. Perception mediated by perception is improper and confusing;
    Sense data just is the unmediated empirical affect the object has, that data, that affect, conditioned by something very different, is the subsequent mediated representation of the perceived object. This is indirect realism.

    This is not indirect realism according to the linked page provided by @Michael, which describes the relevant mediation as a perception of a perception; the sort of mediation which is lacking in the description of direct realism:

    (2) that our visual perception of […] material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part)Michael

    I agree that this “perception of a perception” is confusing and unnecessary. It’s a large part of the reason why I am not an indirect realist.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Then where is the mediation of our perception of visual objects by the perception of some other entities such as sense-data?
    — Luke

    We feel pain – a mental phenomenon – and it is in feeling this pain that we feel the fire. We taste a sweet taste – a mental phenomenon – and it is in tasting this sweet taste that we taste the sugar. We see shapes and colours – mental phenomena – and it is in seeing these shapes and colours that we see the cow.

    Do you hold the view that we must perceive mental phenomena in order to perceive real objects? If so, then this is where our positions differ and we have more than a grammatical dispute, since it is not my position that we must perceive mental phenomena in order to perceive real objects. If not, then you are not an indirect realist.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    You misinterpret what "perceive mental phenomena" means. I feel pain, and pain is a mental phenomenon. The schizophrenic hears voices, and these voices are a mental phenomenon. I see colours, and colours are a mental phenomenon. This is all that is meant.Michael

    Then where is the mediation of our perception of visual objects by the perception of some other entities such as sense-data?
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    And this is where you're reading something into the grammar that just isn't there.Michael

    I'm not reading it into the grammar. It is one of the defining claims of indirect realism. As (2) states, direct realism is the proposition that "our visual perception of [...] material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part)". If you agree with this, then you are arguing for direct realism. If you want to argue for indirect realism, then you must hold the view that our visual perception of material objects is mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (or mental representations). But you repeatedly attempt to distance yourself from this view.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    The existence of something like a mental representation is what it means for our perception of distal objects to be mediated.Michael

    This is not what (2) states. It refers to our visual perception of material objects being mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data. That is, it is a perception of a perception. (2) states that a direct perception is where there is no such mediation; no perception of a perception. If this is what you are arguing for, then you are arguing for direct realism.

    I addressed this before when I asked you to explain the difference between "seeing" a mental representation and "having" a mental representation. You were unable to do so. And that is precisely because there is no difference.Michael

    It is not for me to explain because I am not an indirect realist. Indirect realism entails the mediation of our visual perception of material objects by the perception of some other entities. Therefore, the onus is on you to account for us having perceptions of perceptions. If there is no difference between having perceptions and having perceptions of perceptions, then there is no need to account for such mediation and indirect realism is false.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism

    Naïve realism is a theory in the philosophy of perception: primarily, the philosophy of vision. Historically, the term was used to name a variant of “direct realism,” which claimed (1) that everyday material objects, such as caterpillars and cadillacs, have mind-independent existence (the “realism” part); (2) that our visual perception of these material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part); and (3) these objects possess all the features that we perceive them to have (the “naïve” part). In this, the theory contrasted with theories such as scientific direct realism (which rejected (3)), indirect realism (which rejected (2) and (3)), and phenomenalism, which rejected (1). Today, however, most philosophical theories of visual perception would endorse at least claims (1) and (2), and many would also endorse (3). In this setting, “naïve realism” has taken on a more precise use. As understood today, the naïve realist claims that, when we successfully see a tomato, that tomato is literally a constituent of that experience, such that an experience of that fundamental kind could not have occurred in the absence of that object. As naïve realism, thus understood, sees perception as fundamentally involving a relation between subjects and their environments, the position is also sometimes known as “relationalism” in the contemporary literature. Typically, today’s naïve realist will also claim that the conscious “phenomenal” character of that experience is shaped by the objects of perception and their features, where this is understood in a constitutive, rather than merely a causal, sense. On such a view, the redness that I am aware of when I look at a ripe tomato is a matter of my experience acquainting me with the tomato’s color: the redness that I am aware of in this experience just is the redness of the tomato. As such a view appears to commit its proponent to a version of claim (3) above—that for one to see an object to have a feature, the object must actually have that feature—the inheritance of the name “naïve” realism seems appropriate. As for whether there can be naïve realist theories of senses other than vision, this is an issue that awaits a more detailed exploration.

    The key parts are in bold.

    Specifically, I think that "our visual perception of these material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data" means "the conscious 'phenomenal' character of that experience is shaped by the objects of perception and their features, where this is understood in a constitutive, rather than merely a causal, sense."

    From above, (2) is the statement that:

    ...our visual perception of [...] material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part)

    I disagree that this has the same meaning as:

    ...the conscious “phenomenal” character of that experience is shaped by the objects of perception and their features, where this is understood in a constitutive, rather than merely a causal, sense.Michael

    Please explain how the latter statement concerns the mediation of our visual perception of material objects "by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data".
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism

    According to the link you’ve provided to the article by Fish:

    Naïve realism is a theory in the philosophy of perception: primarily, the philosophy of vision. Historically, the term was used to name a variant of “direct realism,” which claimed (1) that everyday material objects, such as caterpillars and cadillacs, have mind-independent existence (the “realism” part); (2) that our visual perception of these material objects is not mediated by the perception of some other entities, such as sense-data (the “direct” part); and (3) these objects possess all the features that we perceive them to have (the “naïve” part). In this, the theory contrasted with theories such as scientific direct realism (which rejected (3)), indirect realism (which rejected (2) and (3)), and phenomenalism, which rejected (1). Today, however, most philosophical theories of visual perception would endorse at least claims (1) and (2), and many would also endorse (3). In this setting, “naïve realism” has taken on a more precise use.

    This indicates that one can reject (3) and yet still be a direct realist. It is not the automatic endorsement of indirect realism, as you claim.

    As I have repeatedly stated, our point of disagreement remains (2).
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    To clarify, when you say that, according to naive realism, perceptions and perceived distal objects have the same physical constituents, do you take this to mean that perceptions and the perceived distal objects are identical?
    — Luke

    You'll have to ask naive realists for specifics of what they mean

    I'm surprised at this response. You've been dismissing my version of non-naive direct realism, claiming it to be a species of indirect realism, for at least the past 20 pages on this very basis. For example:

    This is the very point I am making. Non-naive direct realism is indirect realism given that they both accept that distal objects and their properties are not constituents of experienceMichael

    Now you are not sure about the specifics of the naive realists' position?

    I can only quote what they sayMichael

    Are you quoting naive realists, though?

    which is that the relation between conscious experience and distal objects is more than just causal and is non-representational, using the term "constituent", which means "being a part".Michael

    In case you're interested, I queried ChatGPT about this:
    Is naive realism the view that perceptions have the same physical constituents as the perceived objects?

    Yes, that's correct. Naive realism, also known as direct realism or common-sense realism, is the philosophical view that perceptions have the same physical constituents as the perceived objects. In other words, according to naive realism, when we perceive an object, our perceptual experience is directly caused by the object itself, and the properties we perceive (such as color, shape, texture) are inherent qualities of the object.

    Naive realists argue that perception provides direct and unmediated access to the external world, meaning that our perceptual experiences accurately reflect the properties of external objects. They deny the existence of mental representations or intermediaries in perception and maintain that our perceptual experiences are immediate and reliable sources of knowledge about the world.

    However, critics of naive realism, such as indirect realists and representationalists, argue that our perceptual experiences are mediated by mental representations or sense data, which may not always accurately reflect the properties of external objects. This philosophical debate raises questions about the nature of perception, the relationship between our minds and the external world, and the reliability of our perceptual experiences.

    is naive realism the view that perceptions and perceived objects are identical?

    Naive realism, also known as direct realism or common-sense realism, is not necessarily the view that perceptions and perceived objects are identical. Instead, naive realism posits that perceptions directly represent external objects as they are, without the need for any intervening mental representations or intermediaries.

    In other words, naive realism suggests that when we perceive an object, our perceptual experience is caused by the object itself, and the properties we perceive (such as color, shape, texture) are inherent qualities of the object. However, this does not imply that perceptions and perceived objects are identical.

    Naive realists argue that perception provides direct and unmediated access to the external world, meaning that our perceptual experiences accurately reflect the properties of external objects. They deny the need for mental representations or intermediaries in perception and maintain that our perceptual experiences are immediate and reliable sources of knowledge about the world.

    However, critics of naive realism, such as indirect realists and representationalists, argue that our perceptual experiences are mediated by mental representations or sense data, which may not always accurately reflect the properties of external objects. This philosophical debate raises questions about the nature of perception, the relationship between our minds and the external world, and the reliability of our perceptual experiences.

    How can perceptions and the perceived objects have the same physical constituents without being identical?

    Perceptions and perceived objects having the same physical constituents without being identical can be understood through the lens of naive realism, which posits that perceptions directly represent external objects as they are, without the need for any intervening mental representations or intermediaries.

    In naive realism, perceptions are considered to be caused by the physical properties of external objects interacting with our sensory organs. When we perceive an object, our sensory experience is a result of the object's physical properties (such as color, shape, texture) interacting with our sensory organs (such as eyes, ears, skin). As a result, the perceptual experience shares the same physical constituents as the perceived object in the external world.

    However, while perceptions and perceived objects may share the same physical constituents, they are not necessarily identical. This is because perceptions are subjective experiences that occur within the mind, whereas perceived objects exist independently in the external world. Perceptions are influenced by factors such as individual differences, cognitive biases, and contextual factors, which can affect how we perceive and interpret the physical properties of external objects.

    In summary, while perceptions and perceived objects may share the same physical constituents, they are distinct entities: perceptions are subjective experiences within the mind, while perceived objects are external entities in the physical world. Naive realism suggests that perceptions provide direct and unmediated access to the external world, but it does not imply that perceptions and perceived objects are identical.

    you say that naive realism posits that perceptions directly represent objects as they are. Isn’t this a form of representationalism?

    You raise an insightful point. While naive realism does emphasize that perceptions directly represent external objects as they are, it is indeed a form of representationalism, but with a key distinction.

    Representationalism, in general, is the philosophical view that perception involves mental representations or intermediaries that stand between the mind and the external world. According to representationalism, we do not directly perceive external objects, but rather mental representations or images of those objects that are generated by our senses.

    Naive realism, on the other hand, is a form of representationalism that maintains that these mental representations or intermediaries faithfully represent the external objects themselves. In other words, while naive realism acknowledges the existence of mental representations in perception, it argues that these representations accurately reflect the properties of external objects without distortion or interpretation.

    So, while both naive realism and representationalism acknowledge the role of mental representations in perception, naive realism distinguishes itself by asserting that these representations directly correspond to external objects as they are, without the need for interpretation or mediation. However, this view has been subject to criticism, particularly from indirect realists, who argue that mental representations can be influenced by factors such as perceptual illusions and cognitive biases, leading to a departure from the external reality they represent.

    How can naive realism be a form of representationalism if it rejects the need for any representation?

    You're correct; I misspoke. Naive realism is actually a form of direct realism, not representationalism.

    Direct realism, including naive realism, posits that perception provides direct access to the external world without the need for mental representations or intermediaries. In other words, according to naive realism, when we perceive an object, our perception directly corresponds to the external object itself, rather than to a mental representation of it.

    Thank you for catching that mistake. It's essential to clarify that naive realism stands in contrast to representationalism, which posits that perception involves mental representations or intermediaries that stand between the mind and the external world. In representationalism, perceptions are thought to be representations or images generated by the mind, whereas in naive realism, perceptions are believed to directly represent external objects as they are.

    How can perceptions represent objects as they are without any representation?

    You're correct; my previous statement was imprecise. Let me clarify:

    Naive realism, also known as direct realism, posits that perceptions directly represent external objects as they are, without the need for mental representations or intermediaries. However, this view doesn't entirely reject the idea of representation but rather suggests that our perceptions themselves are representations of the external world.

    In naive realism, perceptions are considered to be caused by the physical properties of external objects interacting with our sensory organs. When we perceive an object, our sensory experience is a result of the object's physical properties (such as color, shape, texture) interacting with our sensory organs (such as eyes, ears, skin). As a result, the perceptual experience is believed to directly correspond to the external object itself, without the need for mental intermediaries.

    So, while naive realism doesn't explicitly posit the existence of mental representations or intermediaries in perception, it implies that our perceptions themselves act as representations of the external world. This view suggests that our perceptual experiences accurately reflect the properties of external objects, providing us with direct and unmediated access to the external world.

    in this context, how can the naive realist’s perceptions have the same physical constituents as their perceived objects without being identical to them?

    In the context of naive realism, perceptions are considered to have the same physical constituents as their perceived objects because they are believed to directly represent the external world. However, this does not imply that perceptions and perceived objects are identical.

    Naive realism suggests that when we perceive an object, our perceptual experience is caused by the object's physical properties interacting with our sensory organs. As a result, the perceptual experience shares the same physical constituents as the perceived object in the external world. For example, if we perceive a red apple, the redness we experience is caused by the light reflecting off the surface of the apple and entering our eyes, stimulating our visual receptors in a certain way.

    However, while perceptions and perceived objects may share the same physical constituents, they are not necessarily identical. Perceptions are subjective experiences that occur within the mind, whereas perceived objects exist independently in the external world. Perceptions are influenced by factors such as individual differences, cognitive biases, and contextual factors, which can affect how we perceive and interpret the physical properties of external objects.

    In summary, naive realism suggests that perceptions accurately represent the physical properties of external objects, providing us with direct access to the external world. While perceptions and perceived objects may share the same physical constituents, they are distinct entities: perceptions are subjective experiences within the mind, while perceived objects are external entities in the physical world.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism

    To clarify, when you say that, according to naive realism, perceptions and perceived distal objects have the same physical constituents, do you take this to mean that perceptions and the perceived distal objects are identical?
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism

    None of these quotes state or even suggest that the naive realism position is that their perceptions have the same physical constituents as the perceived object. They say only that it seems that way, or that our perceptions are shaped by those objects.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    Indirect realists don't argue that percepts exist, that distal objects and their properties are not constituents of these percepts, and that perception is indirect, as if this latter claim is distinct from the other two. Rather, by "perception is indirect" they just mean that percepts exist and that distal objects and their properties are not constituents of these percepts – and the science of perception supports this.Michael

    Why can't naive realists simply hold the view that distal objects have the properties that they perceive them to have? I find your view that naive realists hold the view that their perceptions have the same physical constituents as the perceived object to be a strawman. Where did you get this idea from? Your author of Semantic Direct Realism does not define naive realism (GDR or PDR) in terms of the physical constituents of percepts.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    What is the physical/physiological difference between mental representations mediating perceptions of real objects and not mediating perceptions of real objects?Michael

    I don't know of any physical/physiological difference.

    Is it your position that our perceptions of real objects are mediated by mental representations or not?
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    What is the physical/physiological difference between mental representations existing and not being mediations and mental representations existing and being mediations?Michael

    If mental representations do not mediate our perceptions of real objects, then our perceptions of real objects are not indirect, they are direct.

    You seem to believe that the directness or immediacy of perceptions is completely irrelevant, yet indirect realism is the view that our perceptions of mental representations is direct or immediate, and that our perceptions of real objects (mediated by mental representations or sense data) is indirect.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    This distinction you're trying to make just doesn't seem to make any sense.

    The indirect realist claims that something like mental representations exist, that distal objects and their properties are not constituents of these mental representations, and that we have direct knowledge only of these mental representations.

    I don’t know what you mean by “direct knowledge”. The relevant question is whether or not we have direct perceptions.Luke

    If you want to make the same claim but call it "direct realism" then you're welcome to, but as it stands there is no meaningful difference between your direct realism and my indirect realism.Michael

    You can call it a merely grammatical dispute if you like, but then you must be in agreement with me that our perceptions are mental representations, that our perceptions of the world do not require any mediation, and that we can have direct perceptions of the world.

    But I don’t see how this is consistent with the indirect realist position that our perceptions are directly of mental representations and only indirectly of the world; that is, that our perceptions of the world are mediated by mental representations.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    What is the physical/physiological difference between the two?Michael

    I don’t know if there is any physical/physiological difference. We are both positing mental representations.

    If you accept that mental "representations" exist…Michael

    I do.

    …and if you accept that we have direct knowledge only of these mental representations…Michael

    I don’t know what you mean by “direct knowledge”. The relevant question is whether or not we have direct perceptions.

    …and if you accept that the qualities of these mental representations (smells, tastes, colours, etc.) are not (and are possibly unlike) the mind-independent properties of distal objects…Michael

    It may be helpful to speak in terms of correspondence. A naive realist claims that their perceptions perfectly correspond to the world. An indirect realist claims that their perceptions perfectly correspond only to their mental representations, and that their perceptions imperfectly correspond to the world (if at all). This “correspondence” is therefore synonymous with a “direct perception”.

    However, there is another meaning, or another aspect to the meaning, of “direct perception”. This other meaning involves the mediation of one’s perceptions; that we either perceive real objects directly or via something else.

    I agree with the indirect realist in the first sense, that our mental representations of the world do not always perfectly correspond to the world. However, I disagree with the indirect realist in the second sense: that we cannot directly perceive the world; that our perceptions must be mediated. That is, I disagree with the indirect realist that we have perceptions of mental representations of the world. My argument is that perceptions are mental representations and that perceptions/mental representations can be directly of the world; of real objects, without first requiring the perception of any mediating factor.

    Just understand that your direct realism is not inconsistent with my indirect realism. They're the same position, just given different names.Michael

    You can call it a merely grammatical dispute if you like, but then you must be in agreement with me that our perceptions are mental representations, that our perceptions of the world do not require any mediation, and that we can have direct perceptions of the world.

    But I don’t see how this is consistent with the indirect realist position that our perceptions are directly of mental representations and only indirectly of the world; that is, that our perceptions of the world are mediated by mental representations.
  • Indirect Realism and Direct Realism
    I'm not speaking for Luke. He's far more eloquent and concise than I.creativesoul

    I don't know about that, but it's very kind of you to say. :)