• praxis

    There’s a story that Napoleon, a man who Nietzsche claimed was an Übermensch, was briefly captured during the French Revolutionary Wars. Before escaping, he was put on the rack and tortured by the enemy for military secrets. He was strong though, it's reported that all he would say is, “that which doesn’t kill me makes me longer.”
  • Sir2u

    Cool, they mention one of my favorite books Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar.
  • Sir2u
    An English bobby in the early twentieth century was asked about how they dealt with criminals.
    We just leave them hanging around for a while and they never bother us again.
  • T Clark
    Maybe instead of jokes we could have a limericks thread.Sir2u

    I think that's a good idea, given that this is a jokes thread.
  • Sir2u
    I think that's a good idea, given that this is a jokes thread.T Clark

    Don't limericks that make people laugh count as jokes?
  • T Clark
    Hey, everyone. If you want to just insult each other, there's the Shoutbox. If you want to write limericks, as Sir2u said, you can start a separate thread. If you want to just spout nonsense syllables, you can ... well I don't know what you can do, but you shouldn't do it here. The jokes I am posting mean something to me. I'd like to see yours too. They don't have to be really funny, or even funny at all, as long as you try. Of course you can comment on the jokes people tell, but this is getting chaotic.

  • T Clark
    Don't limericks that make people laugh count as jokes?Sir2u

    One or two would be fine, but I really don't intend that this be a limericks thread. Also, the ones that have been posted so far aren't funny or even really trying to be funny. They're just insulting or random noise.
  • Sir2u
    One or two would be fine, but I really don't intend that this be a limericks thread.T Clark

    OK. (Y)
  • praxis

    Sorry. I tried with the Napoleon joke.
  • Sir2u
    I tried with the Napoleon joke.praxis

    OK so now it is auto-evaluation time.

    On a scale from 1 to 1.1, how did you score on that joke? X-)
  • praxis

    It’s funny. Your sense of humor: .01
  • T Clark
    Sorry. I tried with the Napoleon joke.praxis

    Don't be sorry, your joke is exactly what I was hoping for, it was a joke and it was on the border between amusing and funny. I appreciated it.
  • Baden
    The jokes I am posting mean something to me.T Clark

    That was your first funny one. (Y)
  • T Clark
    That was your first funny one.Baden

    I know you are, but what am I?
  • Baden
    There once was a forum for the philosophical

    Where members would troll things fantastical

    It happened one day

    In a gruesome display

    That Sir2u was marked ungrammatical

    Not bad at all but the rhythm is off. Maybe:

    "There once was a forum phil'sophical
    Where member would troll things fantastical
    It happened one day
    In a gruesome display
    That Sir'u was marked ungrammat'cal"
  • Baden
    But I won't flood this place with my own limericks as T Clark has set down strict guidelines on what can be considered a joke here and I think we should all respect that. (Not being sarcastic by the way (much). It's his discussion. So, let's stick to standard jokes.)
  • Baden
    I know you are, but what am I?T Clark

    My comment actually was meant as a joke.
  • T Clark
    My comment actually was meant as a joke.Baden

    So was my response. I don't know if you read it, but I identified that phrase earlier in this thread as a lesser known logical fallacy.
  • Baden

    Ah OK, missed that.
  • T Clark
    Ah OK, missed that.Baden

    Sorry, wrong joke, it was this one:

    Lesser Known Philosophical Sayings
    • Gunga Galunga
    • The D’oh that can be spoken is not the eternal D’oh
    • Hemlock! Shit! I thought he said eggnog!
    • Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to do your laundry.
    • I know you are, but what am I.

    Can you name the philosopher?
  • Nils Loc
    "The world would be happier if men had the same capacity to be silent that they have to write terrible jokes. "

    "Pride is pleasure arising from a man's thinking too highly of his own terrible jokes."

    "Sin cannot be conceived in a natural state, but only in a civil state, where it is decreed by common consent what is good or bad humor.

    Almost Baruch Spinoza (tweaked parts in italics), famous Jewish joke critic and stone polisher.
  • T Clark

    NL, you are a humerous person.
  • S
    There once was a guy called T Clark,
    Who might disapprove of this lark.
    It's an awful affair,
    But he has lovely hair,
    So I cut off his head after dark.
  • Nils Loc
    Long ago I danced for a King named Clark,
    Who frowned and began to bark.
    He sold me away,
    To a tyrant they say,
    Who cut out my tongue as a lark.
  • S
    The rhythm's off with yours, too. The first line in particular is too long.
  • praxis
    There once was a nihilist from Spain
    Who loved to travel by train
    He told us one day
    Going out of his way
    That a man named T Clark was a pain
  • T Clark
    Joke of the Day - October 12, 2017.

    Yo mama jokes:
    Yo mama is so old, she sat behind Pythagoras in second grade.
    Yo Buddha is so fat, his reflection weighs five pounds.
    Yo mama is so stupid, she became a Buddhist because she heard that the first of the Four Noble Truths is that all life is surfing.
    Yo mama is so fat, she doesn’t have a dress, she has an event horizon.
    Yo mama is so stupid, she thinks Immanuel Kant is Superman’s secret identify.
    Yo mama is so ugly, Richard Dawkins uses her picture as proof there is no God.
  • Sir2u
    When you was born you was so ugly the doc slapped the shit out of you mama.

    Dad to son, "Hey dumb ass, why you leave your ugly old granny on the curb?"
    Son, "She said she wanted to see the people passing by."
    Dad "So now you gotta go chase the garbage truck that hauled her ass away."
  • Baden
    I'm afraid I'm going to have to institute strict punishment for anyone who posts another of these wonderful limericks, which are much better than regular jokes and god only knows why T Clark doesn't like them but...Where was I going with this?
  • Sir2u
    Where was I going with this?Baden

    If you don't know, how the hell should we?
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