• frank
    You said some words, but I don't think they're an explanation.Michael

    What did I say?
  • Michael
    What did I say?frank

  • frank
    . Yep. Did you have a question about that?
  • Michael
    Yep. Did you have a question about that?frank

    Yes, this.
  • frank
    Is your government looking into defending itself from cyber attack? Anything from influencing the generally messy democratic process to hacking the natural gas supply?

    Could Russia have had a hand in the Brexit outcome?

    Putin actually sets up protest rallies in the US. Black Lives Matter discovered it. They took over the Russian inspired rally to keep people from getting hurt.

    Could Russia or China (or the US) do that to your country?

    Would whining be the best strategy here? Especially regarding what you dont even know about?
  • Baden
    I hear Putin was asked if he had compromising material on Trump and he skirted the issue rather than answer with a "no".Michael

    He would probably skirt it anyway. I would if I were him. He has nothing to gain by either answering yes or no, and everything by keeping the mystery alive. Although I am more likely to think he does now as Trump was servile (to the degree that members of his own party are calling him a traitor, which is unprecedented) and maybe that was partly out of fear. I don't know though, it's also possible he sees himself as a pragmatist with regard to Russia and is just going about it all wrong. You never know with Trump. I don't think he's aware of how weak the whole thing has made him look. He lives in a bit of a bubble.
  • frank
    Chomsky's right: Trump is a distraction.
  • Streetlight
    Russia's actions were hostile, but it's a little ridiculous to whine aboutfrank


    Apologist trash.
  • EnPassant
    Trump is to be applauded for at least one thing; he 'drained the swamp' of the genocidal gargoyles and vampires that were crawling all over the White House. Don't be down on Trump, he may have saved the world.
  • frank
    No that was me. I'm a swamp ninja.
  • Streetlight
    Trump is to be applauded for at least one thing; he 'drained the swamp'...EnPassant

    Presumably to have it filled instead by wife beaters like Rob Porter, thieves like Scott Puritt, and sexual assault defenders like Bill Shine.


    And on a different but related note, Trump is officially the best friend dictators and tyrants have ever had in the West, bar none. The EU of course, being the enemy instead. Because the president of the United States being a powerful defender and apologist of bloodletters and an antagonist to his closest allies is totally how things should be.

    (On reflection, given things like Regan's illegal efforts to arm tortuers and murderers like the Contras, Trump is perhaps just abiding by American precedent. And this to say nothing of the Saudis).
  • Baden
    Quoth John McCain: "no prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant."

    "At a time when our democracy faces grave threats, it is deeply troubling that the president would side with the very country who attacked us."


    Fox News and Republicans at last are getting it right.
  • Maw
    A fun fact about the phrase 'drain the swamp' is that was first tested by Cambridge Analytica (created by White Nationalist Steve Bannon and the multi-billionaire Mercer family). They pitched to Trump who originally "hated it" and thought it was "hokey", but since it tested positively he kept it.
  • Baden
    Traitor Trump's next election slogan: Make America Gulag Again!

    He's finished. I'm calling it now. No second term for Putin's poodle. He probably won't even run.

  • Akanthinos

    That is a joke, right? Kavanaugh was the most "swampy" pick ever. President under federal investigation nominate the one person who has at some point said that he thought Presidents should be exempt from federal investgations while in office... Yeah, thats some draining, alright.

    Also, its insulting to swamps everywhere, which are wonderful and vibrant ecosystems.
  • VagabondSpectre
    The pee-pee tape is seeming more and more plausible everyday.
  • frank
    Just overheard two natives talking about trump and putin "carving up the world."

    In pretty sure they heard that on CNN.

    And that it's partly true.
  • Wayfarer
    Congress should commence impeachment proceedings for treason immediately. That they won’t, signifies the extreme peril that the US has now placed itself in.
  • frank
    You need to put your primate goggles on. Americans love trump because he seems tough. Trump loves Putin for the same reason.
  • Akanthinos
    He's finished. I'm calling it now. No second term for Putin's poodle. He probably won't even run.

    His last chance for a clean break was bringing back at least some of the 12 russian hackers to face prosecution by Mueller. Instead he blamed Obama and did nothing about the fact that we already know Russia is setting up to do it again in 2018.

    Rosenstein has no reason anymore to hold back against Trump. He can now fully cast the 27th october "russia, could you find the missing emails" as collusion, since thats the exact date of the first DNC hack attempt.

    Cohen will be arrested for bank fraud by the end of august. If Trump isnt in prison by 2020, then truly there will be no future for America.
  • Benkei
    you care too much about what is said. Until republicans increase oversight or impeach him or generally just do something instead of just making shit up that plays well with their base, then it's just air.
  • Baden

    Definitely more plausible now, although I'm still not sure on that one. What I am sure about is that Trump is politically dead, so sit back and enjoy his demise. Whether he intended it or not, he took the side of an American enemy over his own defense forces and metaphorically urinated over the graves of every soldier who sacrificed their lives for America (and this is a guy who thinks the NFL is unpatriotic :s ) Even Breitbart are highlighting his treachery on their front page (although he still has his nutty supporters behind him. In the comments section on an article highlighting John McCain's criticism of Trump, a not untypical response from a Trump supporter reads: "I hope cancer wins its battle with John McCain". :sad: )

    There are enough Americans who care about their country on both sides to bury this narcissist.

  • Akanthinos
    "Since I took office, the GDP has doubled and tripled"

    - someone who clearly doesnt know what GDP is, and happens to be the leader of the free world (god I hate this expression)
  • Baden

    He might limp through until 2020. Republicans won't impeach him over this. But he's a dead clown walking now. Americans do have some self-respect.
  • Baden

    We'll see. I guess I just have more faith in America than you and Benkei.
  • frank
    Nobody will remember this. Its all about consumer confidence in the third quarter of his third year in office. If its high, he'll be back for another term. Its going to seem like hes been in office for 40 years by the end.
  • frank
    I guess I just have more faith in America than you and Benkei.Baden

    Very MLK-Jr of you. We'll see.

    It will be up to millennials.
  • Akanthinos

    How does it work with state laws? We know Cohen committed bank fraud at the California state level, and that Trump cant pardon those, and that Trump could als be charged of the same. Is impeachment an absolute prerequisite in such a case?
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