If past time is infinite and the Big Bang is a natural event then is seems an infinite number of big bangs must have occurred: — Devans99
Well, then it must be. And since we can comprehend it, it is possible to exist. — ep3265
What evidence do we have to point to that? — ep3265
provable insofar as human comprehension can be achieved — ep3265
Then the Big Bang is obviously a supernatural event. The same cannot be said for life though - it may have occurred on other planets at different times in the past - we do not know for sure. — Devans99
I'll first say that I agree the evolution of culture was mostly mimetic rather than biological, — Enrique
True wisdom is beyond pain and pleasure. — Wayfarer
Show me a human body which is both male and female, and I will argue that it is neither. Let the vastness of my ignorance overwhelm you! — Metaphysician Undercover
How am I harmed or hindered by acknowledging there are no objective "oughts"? — ZhouBoTong
aybe we just need to introduce more people to the pleasures of nihilism — ZhouBoTong
If you could want nothing, like a Buddha, you would have no pain, but also no pleasure. — Pfhorrest
Hi there. Is it not kind of the moral responsibility of the creator to create one who is moral. If the creator creates immoral, does that not make the creator immoral? — chromechris
Deeply ingrained in civilized culture as an aspect of human nature, but not a motivational vector leading inevitably to institution-building with its technological foundations. — Enrique
I would say so but there are types who consider the very comprehensibility of our world a miracle — TheMadFool
Time is measured by the movement of objects or particles. If no particles or ligh waves are moving then there is no time. — christian2017
o I think the selection pressure was initially for speech to serve as a kind of pure artistry, similar to our musical or poetic sensibilities. — Enrique
I don't see shadows. What I see is much more detailed than shadows. — Harry Hindu
Yes, thinking in opposites gives us clarity. I liked it when males were males and females were females, — Athena
What is anti time? I thought time could only be measured by the movement of particles — christian2017
but language alone does not inevitably lead to institutions. — Enrique
Maybe language platformed the evolution of civilization, — Enrique
You can't have waves without time and frequency. Frequency is a function of time — christian2017
"Brains in a vat" is an external world scenario, thereby language would still have it's uses in such a world. — Harry Hindu
What does language have to do with knowledge and our sense of reality and being part of the spirit/earth or separate from it? — Athena
Yes, I think stability instead of an existence in flux is more desirable, in terms of a happy life? — Wallows
The pursuit of pleasure has been time and time again, is a futile effort. — Wallows
Pleasure or rather, content or satisfaction, will indirectly be promoted by the alleviation of pain. — Wallows
1) Pleasure, according to hedonists, is the only good. — Wallows
I speak out of total frustration. I have books on math and quantum physics and read them in a futile effort to understand what is being said. I get some of it, but not well enough to think in the terms of those fields of knowledge. Kind of like diabetes my head isn't sensitive to that insulin. :cry: — Athena