
  • To the nearest available option, what probability would you put on the existence of god/s?
    Shame the rest of the internet doesn't have a filter. We would be in a much better place.Bird-Up
    Thanks. But don't give me too much credit. I'm in the process of changing my approach to responding to posts I disagree with. :halo:
  • Feature requests
    Ooh... :naughty:Baden
    Not anymore. I lost the 666.
  • Psychology - The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness - Erich Fromm
    Why is it that when an animal exhibits such behavior we excuse it, but when a human does it we label it as malignant, though?Tzeentch
    So humans need to practice to hunt to survive? What happened to farm animals, manufacturers, distributors, and supermarket stores?
    No, I don't see that what the wolves are doing applies to humans.
  • Psychology - The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness - Erich Fromm
    Wolves are notorious where I live for killing cattle without eating it. Killing for the sake of killing, it seems.Tzeentch
    No they have a reason-- training for hunting. If cattle is made available, that's where they're going to practice.

    This distinction divorces human aggression from animal aggression, in opposition to the widely accepted myth that 'malignant' human aggression has its roots in an animal past.ZzzoneiroCosm
    I agree. No maliciousness in animals, except what's programmed into them such as being head of the pack, scarcity of food, training the youngs to hunt, etc.
  • Feature requests
    But let's not pretend this is about writing a one sentence PM. The PM will almost certainly be responded to and very often instigate a debate.Baden
    As a solution, you might want to create a noreply PM:

    Please do not reply to this PM. Replies to this PM are routed to a robot moderator with no pulse. Its alphabet consists only of CAPTCHA acronym which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.
  • To the nearest available option, what probability would you put on the existence of god/s?
    I deleted my last post to @Down The Rabbit Hole because upon reading it myself, it sounded so rude. I then realized that when posting in response to a post I disagree with, I should be très poli lest I'd be labeled picking a fight, which is not my intention. Sometimes, posts that disagree could come across as impolis.
  • To the nearest available option, what probability would you put on the existence of god/s?
    the quality or state of being probable; the extent to which something is likely to happen or be the case.Down The Rabbit Hole
    That's not what you said in your previous post.
  • To the nearest available option, what probability would you put on the existence of god/s?
    Probability is the extent to which something is likely to be true or false etc. We can do a rough calculation of this.Down The Rabbit Hole
    Incorrect. Please try again.
  • Postmodern Philosophy and Morality
    My overall impression is that postmodernist philosophers want to shake off that role of teacher that is otherwise so often taken for granted when it comes to philosophers (and people of cultural importance). It seems that they're trying to make philosophy be about thinking, an exercise in thinking, in different modes, as opposed to being yet another form or source of ideology.baker
    Good observation. Postmodernists' critical theory world view is the extreme form of skepticism of all things humans. I don't subscribe to it. It puts doubt on your own thinking of what's really driving cruelty, suffering, ignorance, absurdity, goodness, benevolence. They complicate issues, leaving you with confused state of mind and existence. It can be a bad prescription for hopelessness.

    Sometimes I think of them as securing their lucrative posts in the academia and beyond by publishing books that won't ever give definitive answers to human issues.

    Sorry if this sounds like a rant.
  • To the nearest available option, what probability would you put on the existence of god/s?
    I am interested in how people assign probabilities.Down The Rabbit Hole
    First try to understand what a probability is.
  • List of Uninvented Technology
    Money that grow on trees.
  • To What Extent Can Metaphysics Be Eliminated From Philosophy?
    I don't think that Murdoch is saying that metaphysics should be eliminated necessarily. She is merely describing what she saw happening in the gradual developments of philosophy in previous centuries and in the twentieth century.Jack Cummins
    So the statement below I mistook to mean that you've come across this idea from her writing, which is an argument for the elimination. If that isn't the case, and I haven't heard of Murdock until now, what idea of elimination do you find in her writing? Or is this your take? Is this your question?

    The idea of the elimination of metaphysics is one which I came across in the writing of Iris MurdochJack Cummins

    In the twentieth first century, I am wondering how much further is philosophy going in the elimination of metaphysics.Jack Cummins
  • To What Extent Can Metaphysics Be Eliminated From Philosophy?
    The idea of the elimination of metaphysics is one which I came across in the writing of Iris Murdoch. In her essay, 'A House of Theory' in the volume, ' Existentialism and Mystics: Writings on Philosophy and Literarure.she explores the nature of such possible elimination. She says, 'In the past philosophers had invented concepts expressive of moral belief and presented them as if they were facts concerning the nature of the mind and the world.' She points to the way in the which criticism of metaphysics proceeded on the basis of the ideas of Hume, Kant and Hegel.Jack Cummins
    Oh the irony!

    And what does she think she's explaining this under? Metaphysics? You bet. She's not using science here, nor psychology. She's using metaphysics to argue for the elimination of....metaphysics!

    Any skeptical arguments, any meta-criticism of metaphysics, any polemics on the nature of reality must necessarily use the very same tool that metaphysicians use.
  • What do we call a premise which omits certain information?
    f anything is an appearance it is known conditionally
    We know that we act directly/unconditionally (our actions are know to us in an unconditional way)
    Therefore action as such cannot be a appearance.

    Schop commentator John Atwell states that this argument is not valid.
    The reason is that the second premise should state " We know that we can act directly/unconditionally". that is, Schopenhauer, Atwell thinks, does not show that when we act we cannot know that we act in some other way also.

    What is the name of logical error committed in the second premise?
    If Schopenhauer had made an error in his argument, I'd say let's look at the fallacy of amphiboly. But he did not.

    At first shot, John Atwell sounds like he's talking about the fallacy of omission against Schopenhauer's argument. I don't think this is the case. Atwell is simply disagreeing with Schopenhauer's assertion that when we act, we have a direct knowledge of this very personal mode of expression, the action. Atwell, then, counters that not all actions are known to us directly. So, no fallacy, just disagreement with assertion.
  • Being vegan for ethical reasons.
    unless killing animals is acceptable, then it's just a matter of farm life quality and killing method.Varde
    Raising animals for consumption on a large scale -- and there's no other scale because population -- will always entail treating them like inventories and goods, the process of raising them, storing them while alive, and eventually taking them to slaughterhouse will always involve cruelty because the point is profit. The most cost-effective method is used. So, it's really up to the consumers to stop animal cruelty.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    Just a thought about watching live performance. I watch a lot of live plays on video.

    This is a pop dance jazz number from a band I don't know. (They're playing a cover). But, notice how the girl sings with her heart and really feels the riff of the guitar player. The drummer is using electronic drum kit as this is not an auditorium performance, so makes sense. But I would like to see him play the acoustic one. The bass is awesome, too. Notice that he's playing it with the melody all through-out the song. All in all, everybody is enjoying playing it. The girl is attractive AF. The voices are harmonized well.

  • A few strong words about Belief or Believing
    You also believe in clay, that it can be moulded, baked, sold,Banno
    But not sold as bread, though.
  • On the likelihood of extremely rare events
    Q2) Does logic and mathematics undoubtedly indicate us that likelihood of Event 1 is higher than likelihood of Event 2?Geerts
    No it doesn't. And it's illogical to use event 1 to assess the likelihood of event 2, and vice versa. Sampling and population, for one thing? You should create event 2 comparable to event 1 by changing the variables, not the nature of the measurement or the intent.

    Q3) Is it logical to assess likelihood of Event 1 lower than likelihood of Event 2? Can P(Event 1) < P(Event 2)Geerts
    Yes, it is illogical. See above.

    I think you might be tempted to do this because the pop media that likes to compare apples and oranges for the likelihood of their occurrence is very reader-friendly, hence popular. But your concern is logic.
  • Post Your Personal Mystical or Neurotic-Psychotic Experiences Here
    For me, it's daily meditation - the profound payoff of which took five or six years to even taste. Now it's always with me. Less so when in motion - at work or running errands, and so on - but still always with me. That took 20 years of tireless daily practice.ZzzoneiroCosm
    That's the kind of "mystical" I was trying to convey when I said earlier that we could create a mystical place that adapts a positive aura. I deleted most of my post as I didn't make a connection between mystical experience and psychosis in your OP. But I read your other post, and this is what you mean.
  • Post Your Personal Mystical or Neurotic-Psychotic Experiences Here
    But I only get the mystical sort latelyZzzoneiroCosm

    Edit: I just saw your other thread about mystical experience with psychosis.
  • Post Your Personal Mystical or Neurotic-Psychotic Experiences Here
    None. I'd like to be the person to take care of you during your neurotic-psychotic experience.
  • Swearwords
    What does it say about us humans, that all our swearwords mean either a man or womans genitalia, excrement or a sexual act?Razorback kitten
    Because the most vile expression a human being could do to another is sexual in nature, which has nothing to do with having sex, but violence in the severest degree. This actually might come as surprise to most of us. It's not stabbing a person 50 times, it's not stealing their life savings, it's not taking away their homes or every possessions they have -- it's sexual violence, which translates to control over another. Is it any wonder that it would manifest in swear words when at the heat of the moment, we're pissed at something?
  • The Limitations of Philosophy and Argumentation
    Posting a link to something and saying, read this.Jackson
    This is acceptable if another poster is asking for supporting works.

    My pet peeve: Someone posting swathes of paragraphs, a lengthy, well-formatted explanation or whatnot, but just missing key ideas.

    Using works that have been discussed/published before is key to a discussion so we don't re-invent ideas (like re-inventing the wheel when there are already loads of literature about the subject).
  • Intelligent Design - A Valid Scientific Theory?
    By the way, we already know that the theory only can go so far (at the moment), since it relies on relativity for the most part. If relativity was to be falsified, then it could take big bang with it.jorndoe
    But you're forgetting, relativity does not prove the big bang, it only supports some testable hypotheses. I said this in another thread, there is no proof for the big bang. Only evidence that's testable.
  • Intelligent Design - A Valid Scientific Theory?
    By the way, I don't think it's in the cards that intelligent design can (ever) derive, say, the 10 commandments, that one should pray to the Sun for inspiration and atonement, that Muhammad was the (final) messenger of Allah, or whatever. That's the marked gap from these sorts of apologetics to the (elaborate) religions that have adherents.jorndoe
    I was typing up a follow up post to mine and meant to say that people should stop cutting corners by inserting "god" as their conclusion if they want their theory to be accepted. It doesn't mean that they have to sacrifice their belief that it is god. But they have to rework their thesis if they want to be taken as scientific. I mean, they should write it so that the only logical conclusion is god (that is, if they want other thinkers to follow this conclusion). I don't know. I'm throwing some ideas here.
  • Intelligent Design - A Valid Scientific Theory?
    For intelligent design to become a scientific model, there would have to be falsification criteria, the more the better.jorndoe
    Not necessarily. The big bang does not have falsification qualification, but it's scientific.
  • Intelligent Design - A Valid Scientific Theory?
    The most common objection to ID seems to be that it does not produce any testable hypothesis, and thus is “outside” of science (thus perhaps it would better be argued in a philosophy class). However, what bothers me about this is if science must be testable, then much of cosmology would also be considered inappropriate for a science classroom (no multiverses, no accounts for natural laws-all those would similarly be outside of science and therefore not belong in a science classroom either).Paulm12
    Good point of contention. In math, there is a point at which we cannot determine an exact answer to a problem due to the enormity of the amount for which we don't have the proper device to calculate -- at least not yet. I forget the terminology they use. But, maybe @jgill knows something.

    Intelligent design could be reworked as a paradigm shift (this is a special expression for something that requires rework of assumptions, hypotheses, and conclusions of a framework) so we have something to use to explain the unexplainable, for example the WHY questions of the universe. Of course, the issue is the testability of assumptions, etc. So this would have to be handled by theorists. But there should be an attempt at least to make room for something that science cannot fully explain due to lack of testable assumptions. Sans proof, ID, just like the big bang, should be accommodated but with a paradigm shift.

    What am I comparing it to?

    The mind. Science can explain the brain and brain processes, but not the mind using proof. Know this.
  • Sad that I don't like math and engineering

    I always thought that anything we are compelled to learn that has nothing to do with the preparation for the apocalypse should not bother us too much, if at all. If we don't like it, then, compare it with someone not liking art or music and move on. I'd be bothered if the life skills that would save me and others at the doom of humanity are denied from me.
  • What Capitalism is Not (specifically, it is not markets)
    I brought up Marx because he is a well known observer of capitalism, which is what this thread is about. You said you were struggling with understanding this thread. I think one reason could be that you’re unfamiliar with certain analyses of capitalism upon which much of this thread takes for granted.Xtrix
    I discovered that I was struggling understanding this thread because of Streetlight's incorrect attribution of what makes capitalism a capitalism. And I'm not wavering from it. I made my point and if you disagree with it, then I agree that you disagree.

    So what if marx is a well known observer of capitalism? You eschew someone who studied or has a phd in economics. Yet you bring up marx here. Make up your mind for the sake of honesty, and not just to win on this thread.
  • What Capitalism is Not (specifically, it is not markets)
    The fact that you weren't thinking of it was my point, really.Xtrix
    Could you tell me why that is surprising to you? Why should I be thinking about marxism in this thread? It's not an economic system, just so you know.

    If anything an education in this matter, on average, would make it harder to understand this thread.Xtrix
    Why would this be?
  • Reflection schema
    I read the post. Then I went back to the first place that, as far as I can tell, he doesn't make sense. His theory U is not defined; his proposed definition is circular, so such questions that mention it are nugatory unless we first fix that definition.TonesInDeepFreeze
    Yeah. He's defining U in terms of T.
  • How to answer the "because evolution" response to hard problem?
    If the argument is that the occurrence of life explains the occurrence of consciousness ... I'll be parting from the debate. My intuitive gut belief is that life and consciousness are correlated. But I can't provide you with a proof of this.javra
    That's what we're trying to answer. Because humans evolved from animalistic awareness to intelligent humans. For example, homo sapiens?
  • Reflection schema

    This is his question, which I'm interested if anyone could answer it:

    My question is this. How do we add the reflection schema to a theory such that the proof predicate Prov_U() includes the reflection schema itself. Would the following do the trick?

    P8: P_1 & P_2 & … & P_7 & Prov_T(⌜phi⌝) → phi

    Please read his entire OP.
  • How to answer the "because evolution" response to hard problem?
    I do not think we know what human intelligence is.Jackson
    I'm linking a thread here where there are articles linked to support biological changes leading to intelligence of humans.
  • How to answer the "because evolution" response to hard problem?
    It means, as we speak, AI remains to be a computer. Until someone had created a human with human minds, let's keep this discussion within the reality of what we have available.
  • How to answer the "because evolution" response to hard problem?
    At any rate, I still hold these questions to not be answerable via biological evolution per se.javra
    You can't talk about evolution without the biology. That's what evolution explains -- the biological changes in humans.
  • How to answer the "because evolution" response to hard problem?
    No, but I think AI will be a different kind of thinking and not merely computing.Jackson
    Until then, let's stick to reality.