
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    Globalization creates winners and also losers.ssu

    The winners were the (corporate) elite and the politicians, the losers, regular folks. Seems pretty interesting that Germany and Japan still kept robust high quality manufacturing in their countries.

    Because of the way that capitalism works, you have to manage labor flows so you don't completely screw-over your own citizens. The Democrats certainly showed how much they cared for the working class and especially for the working poor over the past decades (so much so that they voted for Trump by the tens of millions).
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    It is hard to know what is going to happen long term, but I think that all the events of the last year are going to be very far from a 'blip', and, potentially the pandemic could go on for a very long time with many waves and countless new variants.Jack Cummins

    Let's compare COVID to several events of the 20th century. WWI, the Spanish flu, WWII, the Soviet Union, and Communist China. Each of these events makes COVID look like not much of anything.

    Each of those events caused 10's of millions of deaths. And also keep in mind that the vast majority of people who died from COVID were over 80 and had concomitant health issues and were going to die relatively soon anyway (statistically).

    The biggest problem with this entire episode was the lockdowns and the incredible economic damage sustained by individuals and small businesses. Jack, life goes on. We live in an age where some pretty amazing things are possible, but the most important thing to deal with is global debt and how the elite have completely screwed-up the economic and monetary systems, but this too will pass.

    We got through the craziness of the 20th century, we'll get through this too. If you want to feel better about things, volunteer your time for some worthy cause and you'll see that (relatively speaking) things could be a hell of a lot worse. After all, look at all the amazing things we take for granted in our lives. Just taking a shower every day is reason enough to celebrate! :)
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    And yet their hitch their wagon to a star like Trump. They keep talking Jesus and then they slap Jesus and then they get to say that's okay, because they are forgiven. Okay. :roll:James Riley

    Tens of millions of people had their jobs outsourced over the past decades and nobody cared...until Trump came along. Trump is a complete dufus in many, many ways, but you have to be able to see why he appealed to so many people. If you cannot understand this, you are not seeing the entire picture.

    And keep in mind that the number one reason the establishment hated him so much is that they could not blackmail him liked they could all the career pols whose hands are so dirty at this point that they can do nothing but join in on the feast that is the dissolution of this democracy.
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    I believe the pandemic will be a little blip on the chart of progress. There will be a lot of good to come out of this, as well, so don't worry too much about it. You sort of have to look at it as a continuum.

    You never know and bizarre things can happen, but why worry about that sort of thing? Enjoy your's the only one you've got!
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    That sounds good, except your statement that it is the Elite that must take these steps confirms my first two contentions. Yes, it would be nice if the Elite, sui sponte, reinserted the "enlightened" back into "enlightened self-interest."James Riley

    Of course, this is why you read the book to the final chapter (to see how it ends).

    One might think that because there is such a tremendous amount of wealth out there (in general), that they (the Elite) might believe it is better to share. I think this is where some of the corporate woke-ness is coming from, i.e., better to go woke than go broke (if they come to insert their heads on pitchforks).

    Regardless. the left is doing itself no favors by introducing all kinds of ideology that is truly bizarre (critical race theory and the like). Alienating most people is a pretty ineffective method of winning the day. And It well demonstrates their ignorance on many issues and that will be their undoing (just like supporting the riots over last summer was about social justice and not wanton property and life destruction).

    The right seems to mostly be concerned with cultural issues, although they have been pretty quiet over the past fifty years when the country has drastically changed demographically. Fringe elements never end well (for anybody).

    Socialism (for me) is bad news in all kinds of ways. I go for whomever supports the most freedom and the push for personal responsibility. I would just assume reduce government by 90% and revoke all corporate charters.
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    If you(Synthesis)think that the collapse already happened, what was it? As it is, we have experienced a horrible year, with both the pandemic itself and the lockdowns. I am not sure that would be actual collapse, but it difficult to predict what is going to happen next.Jack Cummins

    When most people reference "collapse," they are referring to economics. Of course, social dis-integration is often on its coattails, but let's chat about the economics.

    What has happened over the past fifty years is the greatest transfer of wealth in history. It has gone from the many to the few, and it has mostly been legal, although there has been a great deal of fraud and stealing, as well (as is always the case).

    The majority of it has taken place through financial engineering. You could define it's starting point as 1971 when Nixon completely abolished the gold standard for international trade (when much of the creative financial BS initiated).

    The result has been thesubstitution of debt for equity on a global scale which has created a super-class of wealthy folks. This caused a severe breakdown in the 'checks and balances' political system of Western democracy which led to the creation of all kinds of additional financial laws that have made everything much worse.

    The response to this corruption of the economic system has been the left's rise to power based on a completely false narrative that capitalism is at fault when it was (instead) the political corruption. Of course, the left really doesn't seem to care much about this, only that have something to complain about and somebody to blame. A mirror might be a good start for these mis-informed and mis-directed people.

    Just the same, and although it could go the way of Hollywood and all of the dystopian fantasies of the left, the world is much bigger than that and already many countries are beginning to call-out the U.S. for all of this woke non-sense and are suggesting that the adults take charge once again. Seems like prudent advice.

    The great lesson of the 20th century was that totalitarianism doesn't work, so I wouldn't worry too much about that part of it. "They" want people to work and buy stuff, and that's happens much more efficiently when people are free to pursue their [whatever].

    All this total bullshit from both political extremes is going away once the Elite figure it's time to cleanup their mess and get back to a system that actually works for the majority, one based on relative fairness, freedom and merit.
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    The biological crisis is total BS, the political crisis is business as usual, and the economic crisis has been simmering in the cauldron for decades.
    — synthesis

    Unfortunately, this is the mentality of those who will be the first to despair when the collapse really arrives.
    Gus Lamarch

    Hey Gus, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the collapse already happened. THIS is the reaction to the collapse.

    I do not believe that we are on the verge of collapse, but very close - equivalent to Honorius's government - 393 AD to 423 AD - close, but not to the point that ordinary people can perceive it - -.

    go with it.
    — synthesis

    Don't go with it.
    Gus Lamarch
    The result of going 'against it' are not wonderful.
  • Is Totalitarianism or Economic Collapse Coming?
    The biological crises is already happening, the political crisis is the norm, and the economic crisis in under its way. How long until we find ourselves in the new "Dark Ages"?Gus Lamarch

    The biological crisis is total BS, the political crisis is business as usual, and the economic crisis has been simmering in the cauldron for decades.

    Jack, this humanity playing-out our necessity to do stupid shit all the time. Try to relax and go with it.
  • Arguments for having Children
    What possible reason could there be for creating another person?Andrew4Handel

    I have five children. It is the most difficult task/responsibility you can take-on, and because of that, it gives the most rewards.

    Many things in life are intuitive. I believe having children is one of those. If you meet the right woman, you'll know whether you want to start a family with her.

    If you over-intellectualize, you'll never want to do anything. Try to see (and live) the good (in all things).
  • Are people getting more ignorant?
    I find this level of ignorance staggering.Tim3003

    If you take a look at the folks that attended the most prestigious global universities and observe the mess they have made of this world, then you will truly understand ignorance.

    Ignorance is not only a lack of knowledge, more importantly, it is a mis-understand of the same.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    Funny how when the rich are taxed at a higher rate they call it redistribution but not when their taxes are reduced.praxis

    The problem is corruption. Redistribution works both ways (except the elite are rich enough to pay-off the politicians to create their loopholes (again, corruption).

    You never want to discourage productive behavior. That kills your economy.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    For those of us that work in the current system, we see a lot of money (truly stupid amounts) spent on solving essentially self-inflicted problems.Book273

    The push-back against the idea of people taking responsibility for themselves is truly incredible. This political climate has fostered a mentality where many wish to blame every damn thing on somebody else. Talk about the short road to hell.

    Until people start taking responsibility for themselves, nothing is going to change (except the fact the truly caring providers are going to keep burning-out). Bring in the corporate docs who could care less about anything other than meeting the fiscal metrics (so they can earn a little extra cash to pay back their usurious student loans).
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    Yes, each one's interpretation of practical reality -- or practical life -- depends, for a good portion, on ones' mind. But it is not necessarily true that it is warped.Caldwell

    There are many reasons why we cannot access reality, so it seems as if our minds have a mind of their own and just fill in the blanks, so to speak. Unfortunately, being human, most of us have a tendency to go south with the analysis and end of creating our own hell on Earth.
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    False inside/outside narrative designed to make believers feel good about themselves, and that's okay.praxis

    Well, as long as it's ok. :)
  • Anti-vaccination: Is it right?
    I think Ronald Regan was full of shit when he opined that government was the problem. I think government can be a problem. But I've seen a lack of government before and it's not pretty.James Riley

    I am sure RR was full of shit on many subjects, but on this one he was 100% correct. Government is the only institution that has the power to do truly horrific things...aptly demonstrated last century.

    Although you need government to rein-in the lunatic fringe, you don't need much more. It's like your significant other, too little/too much [fill in the blank] and it doesn't work.
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    If there were more people like him on this forum, the concept of "what makes up a "person"?" would no longer make sense.Gus Lamarch

    Of course, it doesn't make a great deal of sense as it is.
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    I think perhaps there’s a certain attitude towards life, particularly in the current climate, that leans towards predictions of powerlessness. There is so much in our lives at the moment (for many of us) that confines and restricts our options, it’s easy to feel helpless - which then affects how we predict the world. If we have a tendency to ignore sensory data and rely mainly on existing conceptual structures for prediction, then we’re less likely to focus on correcting the repeating nightmare...Possibility

    Prognostication might just be the most absurd thing people attempt. Although we cannot even understand the simplest of things, there are those who believe we can understand an infinite number of things things that led up to an infinite number of events, then calculate all the possibilities (and do it in real time) when everything is changing moment to moment.

    I would think it would be easier to make love to the ten most beautiful women in the world (and you don't know any of them) before noon tomorrow.
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    Instead of living life the way is, our minds (those incredibly clever magicians) take reality and, without so much as a sleight-of-hand, create all kinds of illusions that define the majority of our lives.
    — synthesis

    Do you mean... imagination?

    Not necessarily, but that works. Our conceptual mind takes 'what is' and morphs it into 'what we think it is' or 'what we imagine it to be' or 'what we would like ti to be' or 'what we fear it is,' etc.
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    I think you overestimate the degree of acceptance of those things that people can do a great deal about. We tend to think that we have freewill but that is largely an illusion. We can pretend, of course, and that offers some comfort, but the truth is that we are conditioned beings and have relatively little control of anything. The best laid plans of men are mostly fairytales who's ultimate design is to make us feel good about ourselves.praxis

    That's the difference between people who concentrate on what is happening outside of themselves v. those who seek their meaning from within. On the outside it's you against The Universe. On the inside, it's you. Once the inside you gets its act together, then you can go outside of yourself and navigate The Universe with skill and purpose, focusing on the good and helping with the bad.
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    If it is a thing in my life, regardless of its relative severity, how could it not have happened?

    Here's a story...

    A man is lost out in the desert and his fate seemed sealed. After wandering aimlessly for three days in 120F temperatures, nightfall mercifully comes, temperatures drop, but he collapses having finally succumbed to severe dehydration.

    By some miracle, the man reaches out and finds a container of water and greedily drinks the life-restoring liquid, then falls into deep sleep.

    Upon arising refreshed and invigorated the next morning, the man is horrified as he notices that the container he had found was an animal skull and the liquid, purifying brain-matter. He immediately vomits the contents of his stomach and was dead in three hours.

    ...proper philosophy.
    Your shit doesn't stink?
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    People need motivation to achieve beyond and above, and besides, if it weren't for these folks, how would your redistribution schemes work?
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    Fighting against capitalism is like fighting against the wind. You just have to take precautions against hurricanes and tornadoes (political corruption). It's the only economic system there is (unless you wish to regress to feudalism or slavery).
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    Who is "they."
  • Some Of The Worst Things In My Life Never Happened
    I think this guy is right-on. I wish there was more people like him in this forum.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    If you value the freedom of potential exploiters over this, why?frank

    Social man is corrupt. I believe we can all agree on this. So what's a society to do?

    You can attempt to attenuate the corruption at the top through socialism (which also cuts out most of the innovation/discovery as well as destroying incentive), or you can allow people to be as creative as possible and keep incentives in place (with REAL checks and balances) and then the entire society can benefit from the people who dedicate their entire lives to this sort of thing.

    Look to the 19th century for what can happen when people are set free! THE key is always in attempting to control the corruption. Capitalism is an incredibly productive system if it is allowed to function properly and somebody is watching that the wealthy are not buying too much political influence. The other ingredient is using REAL money. This (funny money) is the cause of most of the difficulties we face today.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    You are angry for no reason.god must be atheist

    Why would I be angry? Do you believe you have that type of influence on people here?

    You just come-off as if you are quite knowledgeable. If I was speaking to someone who just spent the past 50 years in one field, I might listen to what they have to say (especially if I most likely have little to no experience).

    Anger is 99.9% about self, not other.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    In my opinion you can't win.god must be atheist

    It's not about winning. Instead, it's about giving people the freedom and responsibility to make the best life possible for themselves and their families.

    You can't say that we have this group over here that is lazy and just wants to get by doing the minimum (or less) and have them penalize the rest. This is what socialism does, plays to the least motivated. You want you society to be just the opposite, strive to the highest levels, but at the same time putting in place better functioning checks and balances.

    Of course, those will eventually corrupt (as do all social institutions), so you put all the pieces back in the box-top and play a new game. That's what we're in the process of doing now.
  • Higher Ideals than The Profit Motive
    Maybe what you mean is that one can falsely claim to hold these values, when in fact one does not.Bitter Crank

  • Is vagueness a philosophy?
    I find that the more I try to plan life, with possible courses of action, something different to what I expected seems to arise.Jack Cummins

    It's not that you can't successfully plan things, it's just that you have to allow for those things that take place after your plan was designed (assuming you had a pretty good grasp on what was happening in the first place).

    This is one of the reasons that people are so unskilled at predicting the future, that is, most things that determine the future have not taken place as of yet (even if you could do the necessary calculations).

    I have found that they key for me was the realization that "attachment being the cause of all suffering" was literal. Planning could be considered the institutionalization of attachment (attaching to future things before they happen [and most that will never happen!]).
  • Is vagueness a philosophy?
    But, of course, we face so much uncertainty in life.Jack Cummins

    And there-in lies the beauty.
  • Is vagueness a philosophy?
    So, is vagueness itself a philosophy?Don Wade

    Vagueness is a lack of clarity.

    Almost all people are confused by the continuous conversation they have with little voice inside their head. Instead of seeing what's actually going on, they listen to the voice that tells them the up is down, right is left, and black is white.

    When you think about it, it's amazing that anybody can present a confident persona.
  • Many Universes and the "Real" one.
    Other than religionists, scientists have to be the biggest bullshitters out there. Considering the idea that the human mind has no access to reality in any demonstrable way, these over-educated fabricators go hog-wild with all kinds of grandiose theories of (you name it) when they fail to understand even the simplest of things.

    What a wonderful idea to spend millions researching multi-universes when we're all drinking polluted water breathing toxic air.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    In fact, my cardiologist friend tells me what everyone knows: most people are not getting better, due entirely to their not taking their doctors' instructions. This is is beyond "educate yourself" or "be your own advocate". it is a matter of laziness, conspiracy tales trickle down effect, religious intolerance against treatment, or which is the majority, a lack of insight to know the patient needs to adhere to treatment.god must be atheist

    Here's the take-home message. Once people form poor life habits, it is difficult if not impossible to change their ways, so the emphasis should be on education when people are young and throughout their schooling. The importance of eating well, exercise, and other positive life practices should be a priority, as well.

    Once people develop chronic conditions, it's late in the game.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    I often wondered why doctors don't address some of the issues I raise to them, and I learnt over time that they don't because either the issue is not a matter of their scrutiny, or else because the scrutiny has not found a treatment.god must be atheist

    Next time you go to your doctor, preface your observations/comments by telling him/her that you know everything. That should resolve your issues with your care providers once and for all.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    You know nothing about socialist countries of the twentieth century, other than your state-fed arbitrary propaganda.god must be atheist

    Justify mass slaughter any way you like. People have been doing it forever.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    True. You really need to be your own advocate. But if your doctor isn't able to help you, you should keep looking. Somebody out there might know how to help.

    It's hard to stay optimistic, but the people who do are more likely to find the right expert.

    Let's say you go the THE best doctor in the world. Is that enough? I say no (and I should know).

    What I am saying is that the patient can (and should) play a critical part in their care. The more you know and the better you can inform your caregivers, the better care you are going to get.

    It's like everything else in life, you do the minimum, you get the minimum in return.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    How do you reconcile the fact that the US is about the only developed nation without socialized healthcare and yet the US government pays far more than any other nation, and with no better healthcare outcomes.praxis

    Corporatism and massive corruption on every level.
  • Economic slow down due to Covid-19 good?
    I don't know what he has studied, but I definitely have heard news stories that our shores have lots of stuff piled up in shipping containers that hasn't gone anywhere.TiredThinker

    Those are container ships loader with Chinese imports that have been sitting of the coast of LA/Long Beach.

    I did hear that there was a rowboat that had a box of Slim Jim's headed for Asia that had taken on some water somewhere in Disneyland, though.
  • The Poverty Of Expertise
    What could be more oppressive than a government system?
    — synthesis

    - religious systems
    - evangelistic religions
    - your father
    - your Father
    - your torturer at Quantanimo bay
    - jails and prisons
    - sadistic nurses and orderlies
    - your big brother
    - your big sister
    - your husband
    - your wife
    - your aunt who controls the family wealth
    - your five-year old angel of a grandson
    - neighbourhood dogs
    - coyotes and wolves
    - lions and tigers
    - Hepatitis C
    - Sex maniac wife
    - oxidization
    - the call of the devil
    - temptation
    - extreme hunger
    - extreme thirst
    - mad Kohn, the sohn of that ganef Shlomo
    - KKK
    - Parish priests over altar boys
    - coaches of all kinds
    - life
    - the third law of thermodynamics
    - the music of Richard Wagner
    - yourself
    god must be atheist

    Go tell that to the 100M people murdered by the Communist/Socialist governments in the 20th century.